Saturday 3 April 2010


This is probably one of the most important posts to be made on this blog. It is to help launch the video for the Children's Covenant of Spiritual Independence that was embedded before the Golden Gate of Mercy with the Cedar of Lebanon in Jerusalem, Israel as instructed to do on the 9th of September 2007.

999 was a very special date for the Children of the World because it was the day that we delivered the covenant for the Children giving them the Spiritual Independence to be divine. The divine child was celebrated in Israel by the Spiritual Children in their own way on that date.

The 9th of September 2007 was the day that the children were set free. The day they walked out of the school gate into Independence Park. The Messenger of the Covenant was there waiting for the Children.

This everlasting covenant that was promised by God for the Children is very powerful and it has far reaching implications for parents, teachers, children and the freedom of humanity. The covenant was given and it is set in stone. It is a commandment and mandate that can bring peace to the world.

God kept his promise to the Children and sent his Messenger of the Covenant exactly as scriptures stated would come to be. The prophecy was fulfilled and now it is up to humanity to engage in the divine plan for the last days of the end times.

It is time for parents to turn their hearts to the Children because they are the future of humanity. It is imperative that we leave them with a legacy that is worthy of them.


1. No indoctrination of belief systems 
2. Allowing Children to be who they wish to be in Spiritual Independence
3. The human and divine right of the child to choose
4. Exalt Children to Equality 
5. Honour Children as Sacred 
6. Honour their sovereignty

Children are Angels from Heaven. 
Spiritual Independence is essential for good health and spiritual growth of children.


Return the Children to Love by exalting them to equality and freedom from inherited belief systems.
The Covenant with God. Allowing the Children of the World to honour God in their own way if they choose to do so. Let God be their divine teacher if and when they seek.

This is the way of the heart home to God. The way of Love.

All threats of death if a child chooses to leave a religion.
(Man creates religions, the word religion does not even exist in biblical hebrew.)
All acts of rejection if a child chooses a different belief system to their parents. 
All acts of rejection if a child marries outside of an inherited belief system. 

The human rights of Children to be who they wish to be as long as they do no harm to others.
Spiritual Independence Allow their innocence and purity to remain without judgement.

Allow everyone to be who they wish to be.
Allow the Children to live in the present of this gift from God. 
Allow them to enjoy the sacred union with the divine in their own way. 
Allow them to connect with their mystical roots. 
Allow the Children to walk their own spiritual path home to God if they choose it. 
Allow them to be Children. 
Allow the wise souls to express themselves creatively in a way that is appropriate for them to do so. 

Now it is up to humanity to share it, implement it, ensuring all children are free to be
who they wish to be in Spiritual Independence.
Children were born free.

The Law was given, now make peace with each other and accept the divine plan for the last days.

“Every man will sit under his own vine and his own fig tree and no-one will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken. All the nations may walk in the name of their gods; we will walk in the name of the LORD our God forever and ever. Micah 4:3-5

It is the will of God 
Completion of truth wasn't given to one nation or culture due to the weakness of man.  This covenant for the children is to ensure that humanity retain spiritual freedom and spiritual independence. The spiritual law of God gives freedom to be. 

We would like to give a special thank you to musician and Jerusalem Peacemaker Ofer Golany who helped to make this possible for the Children of the World. He is singing and playing the St Francis Prayer with his fellow musicians, singer Rahel Jaskow and percussionist Abe Doron. The music track in the video and the Alternatives album can be purchased from CDbaby. 

God bless the Children 
God bless the Covenant 
God bless those that help to get this message to the world. 
God is doing all he can to help humanity and now it is up to you to engage. 

We will discuss various aspects of the covenant on the Children's blog for those that wish to discuss it. 

Love beyond measure 

Glory be to God 

Messenger of the Covenant 

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