Wednesday 7 July 2010

WALLOP Crop Circle

Well today is the day we move into the new Saturn in Libra transit and it is 773 energy. Please see the Saturn in Libra transit information for all of the detail on this date. Today is also the 'Day of Revelation' and 7/7 energy is about forgiveness that is essential if people wish to open the gateway to the first heaven of the happiness within.

This crop circle turned up at Danebury Hill, nr Nether Wallop, Hampshire and humanity are definitely getting a wallop due to their co-creation.

If you look at the design of the crop circle it looks like a cage, the menagerie that people are in due to their belief systems. The die is certainly cast and now people don't have a choice, they have to heal themselves if they wish to enter the gateway of freedom and liberation.

The word NETHER is also appropriate as it speaks of the nether regions of the root chakra and sacral chakra levels of consciousness. People are imprisoned by their own wants, needs, desires and emotions that have led humanity into captivity of its own self-destruction. This is not a good crop circle for the traditionalists and orthodoxy that have not helped the people to reach the many heavens within. Not a good crop circle for the religionists as the cage and its iron bars stare them in the face.

When I saw this crop circle it reminded me of the film about Prophet Jeremiah when he was put in the cage until someone came to set him free. People would rather put a prophet in prison instead of change themselves and do the will of God.

As we can see the crop design as six sides and it also cushioned in the hexagon. So we have a double hexagon in this crop circle. Six is the number of feminine qualities and I am picking up on the shopaholics and consumer menagerie. When people feel trapped or depressed they tend to seek outside of themselves for an escape route and this can often co-create a shopaholic buzz of adrenalin that people require to make them feel good about themselves in their self inflicted cage. Others turn to drink and drugs as an escape from reality.

There are 19 aspects to the cage and 19 is the number of sun as such it is an important one for the Christians as well. People who restrict themselves to the sun and solar energy do not get to experience the whole cosmos within. They cannot rise any further and the Christ cannot lead them out of their self inflicted cages due to their own belief systems. As such they do not rise up to the meet our heavenly Father and other spiritual realities of the Kingdom of God.

19+6= 25 an 25 is the number of analysis and spiritual wisdom gained through experience. If we then add 25 to the six of the cushion we then have 31 and that is the number of the HERMIT in its cave that is an illusion that has no basis in reality.

This is a powerful crop circle for the Greeks, Plato and Metatron energy and the men that prefer their caves then come into the light of love of freedom from belief systems. The result is isolation and being cut off from the natural flow of the cosmos and its environment.

If we then add the hexagon cushion we have 32 and 32 is the number of communication. It has six corners, 32+6 = 40. The number 40 is also the number of the Hermit. Then there are 12 points and 12 is the number of the victim and this crop circle is reminding people that they are victims of their own realities that they have co-created due to the unwillingness to break the never ending cycles. If we add 40 and 12 we have the number 52 and that is the number of the elders and military applications. This is not a good crop circle for the USA or the Mormons.

The spiritual elders that inspired people to seek wisdom and knowledge outside of themselves are sure to get a wallop for their co-creation of leading people astray. Keeping people in desire instead of helping them to break the never ending patterns and cycles of the root causes of the core issues. This is bound to impact on the publishing industry, spiritual authors and Theosophy as well.

There is no choice now people have to heal themselves. As Abba said 'Healing is the get out of jail card. healing is the path of salvation and love is the way'. 

Danebury Hill in English gematria is the same value as 'Heal the world' 'The Garden of Eden', 'Saint Sophia', 'The Chosen One', 'Via Delorosa', 'Oil Disaster', 'Good Worker', 'Under the Law', 'Snow on Her'. [2]

The location of the crop circle is close to an IRON AGE hill fort that is 2500 years old. Hill forts were built all over this region in 6BC and that is an interesting date because in the past Abba said '603BC'.  

The word wallop originated from the action of the horse of galloping. Its also a slang word for beer that as some punch in it. No coincidence that one of our family members was a world champion boxer. It can relate to those that are receiving a severe blow to the head to knock some common sense into them. The family boxer was beaten by a famous Japanese and we mentioned the Japanese healing arts in the Saturn in Libra transit article for 2010-2012.

People have allowed others to put them in a box and then bury them. Its time for people to rise out of their boxes once and for all. Its time to shift the box while the iron is hot because every negative situation is a positive opportunity for growth.

Go for it golden Tigers...


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