Thursday 17 February 2011


This evening Abba said 'A Bridge too far'. 

In WW2, the allies could not hold the bridge without further support because they viewed it as too ambitious.

"In 1974 Cornelius Ryan wrote _A Bridge too Far_ (filmed in 1977)

In this context, 'the ban' refers to the Irish government's ban on smoking in the workplace. 'Workplace' is defined as any enclosed area where people are employed, including bars and restaurants. Shay Mahoney reckons that the Government has gone a 'bridge too far' because it has imposed a law that cannot be enforced and that has alienated a sizeable proportion of the voters." [1]

That sounds like world governments that have just pushed the people too far with their demands, stealth taxes, cuts and breach of the human rights and the privacy of the people. 

There is no doubt that the governments around the world have alienated a majority of the voters. In other words, they have completely lost touch with the people, their aspirations and dreams. Due to them not meeting the requirements of the people and their children, they have co-created their own demise. Technology, and the speed at which this 'shift of the ages' is happening as left them in a daze. They don't have time to think, they don't have time to plan, humanity as overtaken them at the speed of light. 

Only fools, try to stop the will of God and its flow of winds of change. 

Its so powerful, just like the prophecies predicted it would be, never witnessed before and never will anything like this ever happen again. 

In the film 'Bridge too Far' there were 11 bridges that had to be captured in Holland to enable them to reach Germany. However, in the film portrayal, they did not succeed and in real life the film also came up against major opposition. The simple fact of the matter is that people do not like to hear the truth, even when it is REAL. 

  • Joseph E. Levine financed the $22 million budget himself. During the production, he would show footage from the film to distributors who would then pay him for distribution rights. By the time the film was finished, Levine had raised $26 million, putting the film $4 million in the black before it had even opened.
  • To tempt the distributors, Levine needed to assemble an all-star cast.

Interesting numbers. 22 being a Master number of grand schemes. 26 being the gematria value of the name of God. Four is the number of this year. 

The film was shunned by American critics because it dared to expose the truth. 

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