Sunday 15 January 2012

The Cosmic Field

I was concerned about the Russian probe that was coming back for a crash landing on earth. However, I simply could not stay awake any longer and before I went to sleep the LORD spoke of the 'Cosmic Field', in the last few years I have been operating in the 'Dynamic sphere'. Walking in two worlds at the same time. Being in the world but not from it.

The 'Cosmic Field' does have a scientific correspondence and it does relate to the physics of the cosmos. The scientists have done their utmost to understand the law of physics, but there is still a very long way for them to go, because it does relate to the spiritual law of the cosmos. Keep your eye on the cutting edge scientists this year, they are doing their best to help you all in the best way that they know how.

However, this time last year I did receive a very strange text message on our mainline telephone. It was a message that had been sent via British Telecom. On the 5th of January 2011, earlier in the day a friend phoned and he told me that Queensland had been flooded and the land mass was as large as France and Germany. I had no internet at the time because my laptop had broken between Christmas and New Year. That flood came at the time of the political arrest and the eclipse.

That same day I went to a friends house to access communication, while I was there I noticed that the headline of the newspaper that was on her desk had the following headline. 'The End is Nigh'. Prior to that the Son of God had told me that the 'The Time is Nigh' in December 2008 when we started this blog. In Matthew 24 the end comes when the one that is saved shares their testimony with the nations. That also relates to the woman in Rev 12 and Micah 4.

Anyhow, at 10.22 in the evening of the 5th of January, 2011,  this strange message had been sent to me.

"Why don't you do a documentary on your physics theory and if it turns out to be true then you will make history. Enlighten people and make money, but you have loads of competitors from the past, saying 'when the end is nigh never will happen. We are still here. You need to be better than the best to get your message across'. 

It is some years back that I was given the name of a new branch of physics that would come to be, and I have waited for the LORD to bring me the right scientist to work with me. I cannot do what the people would like me to do, I have to stay true and faithful to what the LORD instructs me or compels me to do. However, the fact that he mentioned the 'Cosmic Field' does mean that the science aspects and factors are going be more important to this reality this year.

We also do our utmost to enlighten people, although it has not brought the financial help required to keep food on the table, the roof over our heads and bills paid. Heavenly Father, forgive us our debts and may you make the wages of your elohiym an important priority, so that I can continue to give you my full attention.

I was guided to update the last post on the "Royal Breasts, No Implants' and was then led to Rev 14. Before we move on, I do feel that the the 'Cosmic Field' also relates to the new Neptune influence being in 'Virgo the Virgin' until 2025. I bumped into an astrologer friend today and she was talking about how Neptune relates to our spiritual home. I responded well that bodes well for the new holy city because in this timeline of Prophet Isaiah the existing holy cities are becoming desolate. Damascus in Syria is a prime example of that and its called the 'crossroads of religion' that Prophet Isaiah predicted would be destroyed.

Isaiah 64 also mentions how the people will calling when they realize that the politicians like Obama, Ron Paul and the rest of them are not going to save the people from the environment and the spiritual law of creation. The people will call out more and more for help and understanding.

"Your sacred cities have become a wasteland; even Zion is a wasteland, Jerusalem a desolation. Our holy and glorious temple, where our ancestors praised you, has been burned with fire, and all that we treasured lies in ruins. After all this, LORD, will you hold yourself back?" Isaiah 64:10-12

In the Hebrew lexicon, the word Jerusalem means 'teaching of peace' and there is also a prophecy that there will not be many olives on the tree by the time that the LORD is finished with them all. In fact, it states that there will only be 3 or 4 olives left on the tree. In Philadelphia, USA the Prince of Peace Church was also burnt to the ground; when the advocate of the law of the prophets and the spiritual law flew onto US soil. The advocate that the Son of God promised his true followers would come to help them. 

I hear that the Liberal Obama supporters were celebrating when Libya was thrown into destruction and desolation. They certainly have blood on their hands and Rev 13 tells them that they are not written in the lambs book of life. They were doing the same when the report went out that Bin Laden had been murdered. However, little do they know that the Prime Minister of Pakistan announced in 2007, that Bin Laden was already dead. She herself was murdered after she delivered that message on national US television. 

Nostradamus predicted that seven Islamic leaders would be murdered due to the Islamic Kings that would subdue the West to do their bidding. So far we have leaders from Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan and Libya, some are calling for the heads of the leaders of Egypt, Syria and Iran. 


In the legend of King Arthur, the wasteland came to be due to the adultery and lack of integrity of the knights of the round table and his Queen that committed adultery. We wrote an article about it and it was published in Paradigm Shift Magazine in 2004. The article was called 'Secret of Ascension and the Holy Grail' and we mentioned what humanity has done to the soil and the land. We all know what GMO co-creates and now US scientists are also genetically modifying mosquitos and turning them into killers. 

In the legend, the wasteland is also to do with the men searching outside of themselves instead of inside of themselves just like the peacemakers have done for 100 years. In other words they did not seek within, to heal the self.  They simply did not ask the right questions at the right time, due to men seeking earthly power over others. It includes the three mysterious wounds that relate to healing the self and the land. For there is no separation between the land and its sovereign. 

One can also view the wasteland in terms of the Kings of the earthly Kingdoms and their life partners, and we all know how many sexual partners Islamic kings. princes and sultans have. The famous harem! 
As we know Clinton was expelled from public office due to sexuality as well. 

The adultery is also mentioned in Proverbs 30, and the harlot of Babylon is mentioned in Rev 18 to do with the USA. That chapter also relates to Rev 2 and Jezebel that was an American spiritual woman that led her followers to be afraid of Russia and more importantly to purchase and store up guns. Americans view the gun as a symbol of freedom whereas Europeans view it as a symbol of violence. Jezebel refused to be a widow and walk in aloneness with the divine.  Hence, she ended her life on a bed of suffering exactly as the prophecy predicted that she would. Her name was Elizabeth Claire Prophet, the WULF that changed her name to Prophet, and the scriptures warned the people about the wolves. Now we have Naomi Wolf as well. 

David Cameron is in discussions with Saudi to do with military contracts, and Obama has announced the latest strategic implementation of the Pentagon. At the same time Russia is accusing the USA of impacting on their space adventures, they still do not accept that there are cosmic forces at work and they are inter-galatic. As we know the LORD spoke about the 'vulcanics of humanity'  and that is all to do with vulcan energy and metals. 

Hence, you are witnessing a lot going on with probes, planes, boats, trains, cars and at stadiums. In the last couple of days, in addition to the probe coming back to earth, there was the cruise liner turning over in Italy, and an oil tanker in South Korea split into two and sank. 

Humanity and its earthly leaders will come to know that they are not in control anymore, and there is nothing that they can do about it. 


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