Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Another Nostradamus prophecy about the last days of the end times. C1.53, as we know he was a Christian that understood the scriptures and different texts. He gave certain quatrains to help the people to understand the sign posts to help them at this time.

Alas! a great people will one see tormented.
and the holy law in utter ruin,
other laws throughout all Christendom,
when a new mine of gold and silver is discovered.

In the Gospel of Peace, Jesus spoke of nature being the holy scroll, and the law being written in Mother nature and the prophet that would come. I do see both Israel and the USA being 'tormented'. However, as we know it has been the constitution of the USA that has been at stake. The laws that have been introduced in the USA, have certainly been against the constitution itself. In addition to UN laws that have been 'contravened' by governments and police forces. In fact, most of the man made laws are not compliant with the holy spiritual law of nature at all.

So do we have any other timing link for this prophecy?

May 2008, Sweden. [4]
October 2009, Saudi and UK found new gold mines in Ethiopia. [3]
November 2010, China found a new gold mine in inner mongolia worth 100 tons. [2]
April 2012, Iran, three new gold mines with 16 tons found. [5]

Ethiopia is the most ancient Christian culture amongst those; with its own Ethiopian bible.

2010, largest silver mine in the world was located in Turkey. [6]

In the book of Revelation, Turkey is also mentioned to do with the Church and its people who are told to return. As we know one of the greatest examples of early Christian architecture is in Turkey, the Hagia Sophia.

In addition to the spiritual law of nature, the constitution, man-made laws, there is also sharia law that is operating in what was known as Christendom.

The key then to the prophecy timeline is the word 'tormented'. In the proverbs those that are 'guilty of murder' are 'tormented'. Proverbs 28:17. In Revelation chapter 11, the two witnesses tormented those who live on the earth. Rev 11:10. The Greek word for 'witness' is 'Martus', and it means a 'witness' in a legal and or historical sense. In the timeline, the two witnesses came before the wondrous woman is seen in heaven. Rev 12. In Revelation chapter 14, the people are tormented in the presence of the holy angels and the lamb. The holy angels are the healers that help to heal others. In Jewish mysticism they are the angels of elohiym.

However, in Rev 11, there is the mention of 42 months and the 42 months is also mentioned in Rev 13.
In Rev 20:11, 'the beast' and 'false prophet' are tormented. That chapter also mentions the 'beheadings' that are usually related to Islam due to Saudi still doing it legally today. It also mentions those that surround the throne that have the authority to judge. As we know the judgement began in 2010 after the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel as predicted. It mentions a thousand years. However, in Judaism, 1,000 years can mean months or days. So we could be speaking of one presidential term.

That prophecy speaks of 'deception'. Prophet Hosea spoke of it in terms of people going their own way and relying on the strength of their warriors in this timeline. Hos 10:13 In the book of Matthew it states 'The last deception will be worst than the first'. Matthew 27:64 In terms of religions, Islam promotes itself as the last religion with the last testament.

Corinthians speak of it in terms of 'secret and shameful ways' in regard to the 'distortion' of truth. 2 Corinthians 4:2. As we know there are plenty of people doing that including atheists. However, it is the first time in history that the USA has a president with an Islamic name, and there is also a member of the British cabinet that is also a Muslim.

Rev 11 has always been a puzzle, especially as Jesus himself, predicted one prophet would come not two. The person that Jesus predicted in the scriptures is the comforter, the spiritual alchemist that prophet Malachi spoke about in terms of refining the gold and silver. Apostle John predicted that the comforter would give glory to the Christ teachings, and remind his followers of what he taught them.
Apostle John must have known about the woman in the Psalms, and the prophecy about the 'Harp of Faithfulness' coming at night time.

Islam say that their prophet was the comforter that Jesus predicted would come. However, the oracle of Islam did not give glory to the Christ teachings, nor did he fulfill the timeline or the biblical prophecies about the one that Jesus Christ spoke about.


1. http://www.propheties.it/no/prima%20centuria/c1q53.htm
2. http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90862/7187134.html
3. http://www.sudantribune.com/New-mines-of-gold-discovered-in,32888
4. http://www.sweden.se/eng/Home/Business/Reading/Northern-Sweden-strikes-new-gold/
5. http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=9101141383
6. http://ezinearticles.com/?Untapped-Silver-Resources-in-Turkey&id=6814515

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