Wednesday 6 June 2012

Syracuse is Seen

'Only that which is true, can give testimony to truth.' Sacred Words indeed. As the one known as Jesus the Christ, asked me to tell the Muslims in 2007. 'Those that remain silent, are compliant to the suffering in the world'. My testimony for the Son of God as ordained, you may share it with the nations. For has he predicted the second paraclete,  the one that was promised to Moses is here; as pre-ordained to be in this timeline.

This video is about an unpublished prophecy that was found amongst the papers of Nostradamus. I have called it the 'Syracuse Nostradamus' Prophecy.

It relates to the USA, Islam and what is happening to the people in Syria. What does the war have to do with YOU! 

'Syracuse' and 'new' both link the prophecy to the USA and New York. In addition, a young Syrian from the Syracuse university has died in Syria, another Islamic mourning.  He was a Fine Arts student, a film maker, and his surname 'Shahada' relates to 'martyrdom.' More 'death and destruction' due to Islam and its regimes. 

The prophecy tells you about a man that is more 'inhuman' and 'cruel' than can be found in either French or Latin. In other words, more 'inhuman' and 'cruel', than Napoleon, or the Roman leaders in Ancient times. Nostradamus is telling you that there has never been a man like this before he. He describes his color, and gives the term 'ferocious'. A term that is usually associated with the large cats of the African jungle and 'wounded animals'. 

Obama is a Leo the Leopard mentioned in the book of Daniel, and Rev 13. That is why wisdom was called to do the count. Why did Nostradamus use the term 'Potter's Son'? Pottery relates to crafting something from the earth, and Africa and its continent was well known for its 'black arts'. The Arabia 'ISIS' conspiracy in the previous post also links in with that. Islamic martyrdom is to do with the 'dark arts and its blood sacrifice'. 

The LORD God of Israel, asked for mercy, not sacrifice. The planet and its people will not survive without mercy. In the video I have shared the numeric aspects that Nostradamus included. In addition to sharing; some information about a vision that I received on the 6th of April, 2011. Nostradamus received the 'gruel' in relation to the man of 'cruelty', and how the man was thiner than the gruel. Nostradamus gave the symbology of the 'gruel'. I received the porridge, in relation to the 'war' and that it came after the war. 

Nostradamus and I were given the same symbology, it is not a coincidence. Neither is it a coincidence that Nostradamus has reincarnated, and that we were both born after WW2. Both of us were born into families that were poor. 'For blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see the face of God.' 

While I was looking for the previous post on the visions warning us about war, visions that I feel relate to this prophecy. I also came across a post from a Christian that had been posted in April 2011. I found that bizarre, especially as the link is about ELIAKIM, and a message from the heavenly Father posted by a Christian. Remember, I shared with you that 'Only that which is true, can give testimony to truth'. 
The post is called 'The church will go underground but the foundation will be sound'. Please see the full post here.

This is the video for the 'Syracuse Nostradamus' Prophecy.

In Syracuse a new-come potter's son
Who shall be more inhuman and more cruel
In French or Latin named than anyone,
Black and ferocious, thinner than thin gruel.



New York Times, Syracuse. American-Syrian Fine Arts Student killed in Syria. Reported 30th May, 2012

The original visions received on the 6th of April, 2011, gas masks, war and porridge e.g. 'Gruel'. 

If you appreciate receiving these videos and information, please make a donation so that we can continue to share them with you. I have absolutely no income, I am reliant on my son bringing me food, so that I can exist fully in divine reality. I am reliant on the people, and their hearts of mercy, to support and align their will with the will of the LORD our God.

Due to financial deficit, due to the people not doing the will of God, there is little time left for the USA. The USA will not know what has hit it, or why God has turned his back on them. The Malachi prophecies warned the people in advance what would happen in this timeline. 

I have good intention in my heart, pure intention, and I have seen the face of God and his Son. Can Obama and his followers say the same? Can the Kings of Arabia and those that follow ISIS, say the same? 


For has the LORD God said 'Blows due to dotted line'.

If we look at the word Syracuse itself, it relates to Sicily. In Italian it is Siracusa. In Sicilian, it is Sarausa. Can you see the words there? SARA USA. In Hebrew, some Israeli's translate SAR as Prince, 
although it can also mean governor. 

The city in Sicily was founded by the Ancient Greek Corinthians, it was part of Greece, not Italy. It is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. 28:12. As we know this is a 12 year. 

The first part of the word SIRA also links to Syria, and Syriac. Jesus Ben Sirach, who established a school. According to the Greeks, he travelled extensively and was frequently in danger of death and God delivered him. Just like he delivered his daughter ZION in Rev 12 and Micah 4. As we have shared with you, those that have the true armor of God, are delivered by him, are rescued by him, if and when necessary. 

Jesus Ben Sira was a scholar, a scribe, versed in the law and the books of wisdom. I have known of his existence for decades. However, it is being brought forth again now. What we are sharing, is important to Italy, it is important to Greece, to Syria, Israel and the USA. All of your nations are in jeopardy. 

Who was SARA? Biblically, she was the wife of Abraham. In my life it was Sarah that brought everything that Jordan required prior to his birth. When that blessed one saw that I had nothing for the child to come, she went shopping and bought everything that the baby could require on arrival. How could I ever thank her for what she had done. All I can do is remember her with wonderful memories in  my heart. The givers, the blessed ones, they really do exist;  nobody can stop us from giving our love to those that have not experienced the true power of love. 

I call SARA and every woman and child with the name of SARAH to arise. Your name has been truly blessed in the sight of LORD our God. Once again, you shall arise and do the will of the LORD. Humanity and the blessed ones requires you NOW! When a match is lit in heaven, it becomes a wonderful flame of love. A flame that is unfettered, and nobody can blow out the flame of Joseph, for it is the flame given by the LORD God himself. 

Only true love can consume the 'Sons of Darkness', only love can heal the world, compassionate action changes it. Sarah and her compassionate action helped to change this world, when she blessed the child that was coming with her giving, the light of God was shining on her. She truly was compelled by the heart of God to give to the child. Her heart was focussed on the bundle of joy, the baby that was coming. 

Like a stork that knew that the time for the delivery was right, she arrived with her blessings, and no man could stand in her way. Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane, she gave to the mother the blessing of her love to the mother and child. It was wonderful after the child arrived, to see her hold him in her arms of love. I remember her blonde hair, and sparking blue eyes, has she beamed her love to him and he smiled at her. 

How different a life, between the childhood of Obama, and the child of this mother. The bible was correct, wisdom was indeed called. There the children of Obama live in the presidential palace, in comparison with my son that lived in the heart. The LORD God took her away from Adam, because he was not coming from his heart. He does the same with everyone, if they do not come from their hearts, then he takes his blessed ones away, because she came for the children and to help them in the name and heart of God. His blessed one came with the children in his name, not the name of Obama. 


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