Monday, 9 February 2009


After we finished the last post and we stopped to get some dinner. Abba said very firmly KABALACH. I wasn't able to get a response from a Hebrew scholar this evening to find out what the word means. However, I did come across a book on the internet that mentions the Kabalach and we are still with the divine child during this 'Divine Child Lunar Eclipse."

The cultural anthropologists tell us this Hebrew word relates to the child warriors. The initiation spread over a six-month period and in ancient times the boy received a spear and an ox so that he could become a herdsman. A Kabalach was any age up to the age of 15, they were given the responsibility of guarding the land and looking after livestock.. {1} This enabled children to be at one with nature and with God.

The young shepherds like Joseph and David.

When I was a child our parents took us out of the pollution of London city and into nature for 2-3 days a week.. We did not have very much money but our father worked night shifts so that his children could enjoy the fresh air and be at one with nature. As a child I would go missing for hours singing in nature in communion with God.

From the age of eight I worked from dawn to dusk; my weekends were spent at the local stables in exchange for riding a horse for one hour. I loved my time at the stables with the horses, mucking out, grooming, saddling up and equipping the rides. My parents and I would sing all the way home in the car, we would stop for some sweets or ice cream and little did I know that my mother only had £1 in her purse to last till next payday. Sometimes the poorest people are the richest people in more ways than one. I also remember going on holiday with my grandma to the seaside and as we were walking along the beach Sophia would say 'Breathe in the sea air, this is what you call living it up". She would take me to the market and find the largest necturine or peach and then say 'A little of what you fancy does you good'.

What happened to the Kabalach?

The children were robbed of their divine birthright and sacred union with God.

This is what happened to the children.


As the Lord Jesus said “Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world”.

Now where are all the spiritual leaders? Where are all the people that know how sacred life is?

Where is the voice of the voiceless? Where are the spiritual people to defend the innocent and gentle hearted?

Abba asked for Levin so here is Tony Levin with Peter Gabriel and


Abba is shaking his Tree so make sure you catch the good fruit. The children are meant to be free to be who they wish to be. To be creators of song, dance and arts of all kinds. To express their uniqueness and natural spirituality as clairsentient angelic beings that they were born to be.

While I was looking for a video on the shepherd child I came across this video about the tomb of Joseph.

Joseph's Tomb documentry promo

In Oct. 2000, Arab mobs ransacked the historical burial place of Biblical Joseph son Of Jacob. "Raising from the Ashes" is a short documentary film with detailed updates on Jewish efforts to restore Joseph's tomb (or Kever Yosef in Hebrew) to its rightful honor. [2]

Abba would prefer it if people did not worship stones and the dead. However, there are many sacred sites in the world and he honours the wish of the people to preserve them.


1. Cultural Anthropology By Stephen A. Grunlan, Marvin Keene Mayers
2. For more details on how to have the full presentation shown in your community contact David Ha'ivri

This posted at 1924 the sum of 'Greatly"
Lo this, we have searched it, so it is; hear it, and know thou it for thy good. Job 5:27
Then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established greatly. 1Ki 2:12

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