Friday, 5 November 2010


There is another LUXOR gateway opening on the 7th of November 2010,  it is about the 'MEANING OF LIFE'.

We informed you in the past that this was now the MEAN TIME for humanity and words have many meanings.

This is the time when many more people will start to look at their lives in a different way.  I do feel that it does link into past lives. Many people have led lives without true meaning, without understanding and without wisdom. The 21st century was born in wisdom given by the LORD through many different divine energies that he sent to help the people.

Finding the meaning of your lives is also about accessing your divine purpose for being and why you chose to incarnate on this planet at this time. Many people will review their lives in many different ways after this gateway opening.

Wisdom is calling for the people to find the meaning of their lives in more ways than one. Even spiritual people can be blinded by desire and the more that people heal themselves the more that they find out their reason for being.

7 is also the life number of the spiritual teacher and the 7th of November also links in with the Mayan 7th Day celebration.

People are being called to be the spiritual teachers of their own lives, to find the meaning in every life experience, why and where it is leading them. In recent days, I have experienced so much and so many that have done so much to help humanity. However, they are still to come to know that was only prep for what is coming to be.

As God said in 2004 'HUMANITY NEEDS YOU NOW'.

Those that have already healed their wants, needs and desires are already coming from the heart of pure intention, the heart of intelligence and essentials.

Anything that is not essential to the meaning of life, will begin to fall away from those that are still holding on to any comfort zones. Religion, its buildings, safety and security outside of the self, financial stability, governments, all is being shaken so that only the true and genuine will remain in integrity.

This is the time to look at the meaning of your lives for your own ascension and the ascension of the planet. This is the time when waste is eliminated because the pure, holy and true must be preserved forevermore.

It is the time for people to look at their own lives and the communities in which they live. How do they serve you and it? Is the community in which you live adding to the well-being of your life? Or is it taking you away from your purest essence? Or do you just simply exist from one day to the next in a never ending hamster wheel of materialistic captivity?

People will also review partnerships, friendships and business relationships as well. Do you live in concrete land or do you live in nature as you were born to do? Do you grow your own food and live ecologically, are you paying taxes to a government that gives nothing in return? What happens to your hard earned cash and what do you do with it? Are you creating a better and new world for you and your children or do you have your head in the sand?

People will begin to look at the meaningless of their lives and the root causes of their unhappiness that has brought humanity to the brink of self-destruction. Humanity is committing suicide due to the combination of a loss of hope and an unwillingness to heal the root causes of the core issues. Sometimes it takes a shock to stop people willingly walking to their death. Or a wake up call to remind them about the sacredness of life that became far too easy to take for granted.

If I receive any further insights I will update this post.

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