Tuesday 1 March 2011

Gospel of Perfection

Its many years ago now that we were sharing with the people about the perfection of the cosmos, and the intelligent design that is created by God. The Son of God said to me a few years ago, 'Only God creates a woman such as you, you are his intelligent design'. That was years after we were teaching perfection.

When you speak about perfection to Christians they deny that it exists based upon their own belief systems due to a lack of divine experience. Also due to them not investigating the history of the bible and its compilations. If orthodox Christians could just step outside of the box that they allowed religion to put them in, then they would discover the most amazing good works.

As we know, the book as known by the orthodox is the KJV, the one that many hold onto with grim death and that is attachment that Christ opposed. Do you know that the current Queen of England owns the copyright to the KJV? Why is that do you know?

Do you know what gospels were rejected by Rome and the reasons why? Do you know why they rejected the Gospel of Phillip that talks about the perfection that Christ taught?

Why do Christians reject perfection? Is it because that is what their parents, teachers and Church taught them?

When you know that you are perfect at the purest essence of your being, then with the healing help of the divine you become so once again. Through healing people are able to return to source, by stripping back the layers that they inherited from humans and removing them. Including their masks that many choose to wear.

Very good then that this year is a FOUR year and 444 is the 4th of April 2011.


The gateway links to SPAIN and the Christian mystics that helped to transform Christianity, otherwise called the reformation. Some famous Jewish mystics were also born in Spain.

Are Christians, Jews and Muslims ready for transformation into PERFECT LOVE...

Is the rest of the world ready to become PERFECT LOVE....

This gateway is bound to impact on Islam as well,  due to their 700 year history of occupying Spain. What right do those that have occupied lands have to rebuke others? None. Islam as occupied lands for nearly 1,400 years, now it will be pushed back to Saudi Arabia from whence it came, nothing less than perfect love is acceptable in the Aquarian Age of SUPREME LOVE. All the rest will fall away, as it is the end of the old earth and heaven and everything will be made anew.

Let us intent PERFECT LOVE for the world.

In the perfect love of Abba and his Sons of Light.


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