Thursday 17 March 2011

Wages for the FIELD

In the biblical prophecies this is the timeline mentioned by Prophet Malachi where God is waiting for the wages to be paid to the blessed one that he sent. The prophecies also state that she will purchase a FIELD with the wages that she receives and this is mentioned in Proverbs 31.

It states that she will plant a vineyard on the field and from a vineyard comes the grapes that make fruit and wine for the people. Where did God decide the field shall be purchased and what is it for?

God as chosen the Mayan lands for the vineyard to be planted. This is the place that he has chosen for New Jerusalem to be built. Prophet Isaiah called New Jerusalem a 'City of Enlightenment' and it is to be an ecological and self-sustainable healing city that is to defend the eco-system of the planet.

The new holy city is also mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Geza Vermes stated that it would be built by Angelic architects. Well the Angelic architects arrived and now we are just waiting for our wages.

A decade ago, God valued the wages that I had earned for doing his will, to be 2 million pounds. I dare not ponder upon how much he values the work that we have done since then. Maybe he will show us when the people redeem that which must be given, if they choose to honor God.

So you see, even the wages that she as rightfully earned, she will give back to God for his will to be done, by giving her wages to purchase the land. The prophecies also state that she shall have two plots of land in New Jerusalem. Clearly, one plot is for her to have a home to live in. However, God as not told her what the second plot is for yet. Is it to plant the vineyard like it predicts in the book of Revelation and Proverb 31?

The Malachi prophecies predict that due to humanity not honoring the will of God, they will suffer the consequences for their lack of giving. In fact, the prophecies predict that the people are robbing God. Last year Christ said 'Let them cry on until they have had enough'. In other words, he is saying that people would rather suffer, than do the will of God, and only when they've had enough of the suffering will they honor his will.

This is also the timeline in the biblical prophecies where Christ predicted that I would judge this  generation. In other words, the generation of my age group that refuse to honor the will of God.

Yesterday, I was forced to judge the first one, although I did not wish to do so. It brings no joy to my heart to judge anyone, and as the Christ so rightly said, I do not judge and if I do it is because God is doing the judging. This is the timeline that those that have said and written what the bible calls 'empty and idle' words will be brought to account. This is the Saturn in Libra transit until 2012.

As I have explained in the past, one has to have a heart with zero judgement prior to ascending the final part of the Tree of Life. Why is the Tree of Life so important? It brings LIFE to humanity and I ask you all to GIVE LIFE A CHANCE, every tree is part of the eco-system of the planet and with deforestation comes destruction. You cannot have one without the other, because that is the spiritual law of cause and effect.

5 million trees burned down in Israel and that was one tree for every Jewish Israeli, due to them not doing the will of God. 

Without the new healing city being built, there will be no life on planet earth, all will perish. God will not give you the miracles that humanity requires unless humanity are willing to do his will.

As Abba said in the past 'IT IS NOT A ONE WAY STREET'. 

May the people do the will of God sooner, rather than later, so that the heavens open up and the blessings are showered upon humanity. Then humanity can be raised up out of their transgressions of the spiritual law.

How many more Japan’s are you willing to witness? 

After we sent the above to Israel, and to other countries around the world, Abba said joyously, 'SENSEI, SENSEI' and it is a Japanese term for one that is an authority and expert in their field of work.

After that we went to a forum and a person had made a post whether God cares. We posted the response above and then afterwards a golden lance of energy shot across before me. I first saw the celestial lance while I was on the mission to Greece, for the 333, WISDOM of SOPHIA gateway opening.


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