Sunday 19 June 2011

Isaac and the Coins

In this video this child with the name of Isaac is a collector of coins. Isaac means 'He will laugh'. The video was uploaded on Father's Day.

Collecting is to do with past lives, memories that manifest from the unconscious fields that co-create a situation in this life time. So if you like collecting, seek within for the reasons why your interest in collecting is so strong. What message does it hold for you?

This child as either been a 'tax collector' in a past life, as Isaac is an American collector, it is more likely that he had his coins removed from him in a past life. Just like the money is being removed from the USA now. Hence, why this angelic soul incarnated in the USA, to give the message to his nation.

There is also a story about Isaac II Angelus, 12th of September 1185 - 9th April 1195AD. It is written that after the revolution that unseated 'Andronicus 1', Isaac II succeeded to the throne. He was weak and unable to deal with the problems of the Empire. He debased the coinage, sold government posts rather than appoint qualified people, and was a spendrift. In 1195, he was overthrown and blinded by his brother Alexius.

The name Alexius is Latin boys name and it comes from the Greek, Alexois and it means "to defend". In the scripture who is defender of the people? The Paraclete that Christ promised his followers would come. The Spirit of Truth that is here now, the Queen of the South that he told you would come to judge this generation. He told you that she as more wisdom than solomon. Why is that? He clearly, knew that the Freemasons worship King Solomon. Does it remind you of multiple wives? What religion permits multiple wives at the same time?

Who sold government posts and is a spendrift? Obama. Who is spiritually weak and unable to deal with the problems of the American empire? Obama. It speaks of Obama being overthrown, and Jeremiah 49 speaks of the USA being overthrown.

There was also the British scientist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). He became warden of the Royal Mint in 1696 and Master of it in 1699. Newton was instrumental in developing a way to stop people 'counterfeiting' English money. No surprise then, that the Royal Mint have produced a five pound commemoration coin for the celebration of the 2012 Olympics. Described as a 'Silver Proof' coin. The five pound coin is being sold for 61 pounds and ninety, nine pence. Now that is what I call a large profit.

It is written that Isaac was highly religious, an unorthodox Christian and into the occult e.g that which is hidden from the eye of most people. So to those that sing the praises of science at the same time as mock the occult, look where science as brought humanity.

He rejected the Trinity and this tells us that he had not found the Trinity within himself because he was looking outside instead of within. Hence, why his scientific discoveries and understanding of the nature of the physics of the cosmos; is being replaced by those at the cutting edge of the new frontiers.

Newton said, "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done."  I do agree with him and his premise that worshipping Christ as God is idolatry, to him it was a fundamental sin. His personal coat of arms was two crossed bones like two crossed sticks. In the ancient pictographs that is a SIGN. 

Newton did a lot of work studying the bible, and wrote works criticizing it. The most well known called 'An historical account of two notable corruptions of scripture'. He also gave a date of the 3rd of April, AD33 for the crucifixion of Christ. There we have 333, and 333 is SOPHIA = WISDOM. Modern day 333 was in 2010. I do not view 333 as the crucifixion of the Christ, I view it as the crucifixion of the Church that he predicted years ago. He said it would happen due to their crimes against humanity, and he predicted that the phoenix of Christ consciousness would rise out of the ashes and a purer soul would be the result.

"The soul of Christianity is going through its very own crucifixion due to its crimes against humanity, the good news is that a purer soul will ascend from its own ashes, the phoenix of Christ Consciousness will rise beyond all limitations and boundaries, nothing will stand in the way of divine love and complete oneness with GOD'. from Sacred Words, published in 2005. 

Of course the same applies to the other religions as well, when people arise, they fly beyond religion and its earthly realities. 

Newton was famous for his APPLE analogy to explain gravity and in 2010, the LORD said "An apple a day will not save the day. Do not count on them". 

New York in the USA is known as the 'Big Apple' and we now have the Apple relating to the scientists. Apple is also to do with computers and computer sciences, and the Anonymous Group have put their plan into action. However, it is clear that they will not save the day, so do not count on them.







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