Sunday, 23 October 2011

Day of Wrath -v- Holy Mother

In the lasts post about the earthquake in Turkey we wrote the following: 

"As I was writing that last sentence the LORD God said 'It is the Day of Wrath'. He is not happy with humanity, not happy at all. It was in 2009, after Obama was elected, the LORD said that it was the 'Day of Woe', now we have the 'Day of Wrath' and that means things are going to get even worse. Simply because humanity refuse to do his will. Its on days like this, that I wish I had never been born, if only the world knew what I know. If the people knew what I and others know,  they would certainly wish to make a contribution, and build New Jerusalem, to save their own souls, and the souls of future generations. Humanity are bringing doom upon themselves; due to their own co-creation and the free will choices that they are making."

So what does the bible say about wrath? 

The first mention of the word is in the book of genesis and it is to do with the 'people' themselves. The text states that they are 'cursed by their anger', And their 'Wrath, for it is cruel' . Genesis 49:7. Who apologized for being cruel to me? American Christians, ex-military. That verse also mentions Jacob and Israel.  

The 'Jews Against Circumcision" website state that 'Circumcision is the cruelest cut'. Hence, why the Son of God warned against it. He knew what those 'cuts' co-create for the babies, and the trauma that it co-creates. We now know scientifically, that cutting babies and children mutates genetics, and mutated genetics co-creates skin disease, and many other ailments. 

In Greek the word 'wrath' can also relate to 'indignation', and as we know there is an 'Indignant Movement' growing and being spoken about by the media. In Hebrew it can mean 'Fury', like the news headlines about the floods. 

It is related to Mother nature; and there is no greater wrath, than from a woman if anyone tries to harm her babies, a true mother will defend her children to the death if necessary. She will even give up her own sanctity, to defend a child from harm. A true mother would rather die herself, then see her child die, a child that she carried and birthed, a child from her blood and flesh. 

Hence the story of Solomon and the two mothers that claimed the same baby. The true mother was willing to let the other woman have the baby, if it meant the child would live. It was the same with the legend of Moses, his mother put him in the basket, put the basket in the water amongst the bullrushes and reeds. With the light of hope that a good person that was worthy of the baby would find it. 

It is no coincidence that the prophecy of Zechariah 5 speaks of the woman in the basket because it speaks of the prophet that was like Moses. Those that stood against him, said he and his LORD God  were wicked for what they had done. Due to the biblical plagues that were set upon those, that would not let the people go from the enslavement. It was only after the King's child died, that he surrendered and let the people go. 

Does it remind you of the Rothschild heir committing suicide or was he murdered? 

However, the Pharaoh still hatched a plan to go after the people, it was then that the sea opened up and the men and their chariots were swept away in the floods that came down upon them. 

Just like floods in Queensland, Australia, and the USA in 2011. The people were warned that the biblical prophecies state that after the fires, that the floods would come next if they refused to do the will of the LORD God. 

In the scriptures the people 'PROVOKE' the LORD God, and most women are aware what happens if they provoke a man into a response. It is usually one that they do not like, because men are stronger physically than women. My genetic Father always used to say that only a weak man would ever hit a woman. 

However, sometimes due to a woman's own anger, they manipulate and provoke their husbands to lash out at the children. In other words, the woman loads the gun, then the man shoots it, as soon as he is triggered by the child that he loves. The root cause of that is usually due to jealousy, and as we know the brothers were jealous of Joseph. 

Family disputes; often have a root cause in jealousy, and the only solution is healing. 

The Christians were warned in the prophecies, not to be jealous of the Jewish people. The Jewish people were also warned not to be hostile towards Christians. 

That is how humans operate when they have not healed themselves. They manipulate others into being violent in thought, word and deed. One can also witness it on forums and in social networks. The innocent being worked up by others; to be adversaries of the holy. The LORD God sees beyond appearances directly into the hearts of the people. Nothing escapes his view of what men and women do. 

There have been many 'Crimes of Passion' and that is why it is essential, that the people move into ZEALOUS COMPASSIONATE ACTION. Otherwise, you will continue to witness the kind of murder that has just taken place in Libya. A crime against humanity, and the LORD God commanded, that the people must not murder others. He also told the people not to pollute the land with bloodshed. 

What happened in Libya is 'Unbearable' to the LORD God and his Son, they cannot stand torture of any description. 
Would a person that plays a lute do such a thing? Would a person that plays a harp? Of course not, lovingkindness and faithfulness would never hurt a person intentionally. 

Prophet Ezra warned the people to implement the instructions that he was delivering for heaven, he also told them to do it with zeal to avoid the wrath co-created by men. Prophet Nehemiah also warned the people, that they were creating the wrath upon their own people because they had profaned the day of rest. 

We have also warned the people about their profanity in the past. Especially the Americans. People can become irritable if they do not rest or have enough sleep. Hence why rest is essential for men, women and children. It is not right that people have to work until the day that they die; without years of rest in between. 

Again in the book of Ester, it is the king that is provoked to anger and wrath by what man has done. As we know, anger is the biggest predictor of heart disease, now proven scientifically. That is why there is no anger in myself and others that have healed themselves. There is a big difference between righteousness and anger. Those that have suppressed their own anger, do not know the difference between the two. Hence, why the solution is healing the self. 

Job speaks of war that is created by those that do not understand the different ways in which judgement of the people manifests. Wars created by man are man's judgement against others, just like Obama and Libya, just like Islam against the Christians and the Jews. 

Man's judgement is completely different; to the judgement of the LORD God. The judgement of the LORD God, helps to raise people up out of their transgressions of the spiritual law. He said 'No more war in my name'. 'Violence disempowers the soul and vexes the Spirit of God.' from Sacred Words. 

Prophet Micah and Isaiah also spoke of a time when they would not train for war anymore. Prophet Micah predicted that this time would come when the LORD God sent his Daughter that is given her kingship after her return from Babylon. (USA, 2008). 

Job also warned the scoffers, that it is their own wrath that they hold inside of them, that leads them to scoff at others. In other words those that scoff at the holy ones, have to heal themselves of the anger that they hold inside of themselves. Anger is usually related to childhood, hence why we recommend 'inner child' healing for those that hold on to any anger deep within. It can be a long process, if you allow it to evolve, it can be a joyful one, once you have integrated that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

Jesus Christ also told the people 'Do not Anger' and in Reiki healing one of the main principles is 'Just for today do not anger'. There is also a Native Indian legend that speaks of a man's anger that created the tornado's. In the story of the Wizard of OZ, Dorothy and the dog are taken up and away in a tornado. Much like the story in Rev 12, of the woman and the baby. Did Dorothy leave because of the anger of her family?  As we know children don't like it if their parents are angry. It upsets the sensitive souls of the little children when people anger against each other, just like their hearts cannot understand the wars. 

In the Psalms, David speaks of being rebuked because he as angered the LORD. However, rebuke is not about anger, it is about discipline and that is a very different energy. Would a martial artist be successful without discipline and self-control? No, of course not. A martial artist is working with energy, like healers work with energy but in a different way. Become masters of yourselves, and your emotions by healing yourselves. 

Was Joseph angry with his brothers for what they had done? Joseph forgave his brothers for their jealousy of him. 

Forgiveness opens up the gateways to the heart so that divine truth can enter in. King David also said 'Cease from anger and forsake wrath. Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing. Once again David was telling them wrath was inside of the people themselves. Children fret, not emotionally mature adults. As such David also knew that it was to do with their childhoods, and the parenting that they had received. 

In the proverbs it states; 'Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death'. 'Righteousness is only good, but the expectation of the wicked is wrath'. "Anger is a flood'. 'Harsh words stir up anger'. Hence, why it is imperative that people look at the words that they use on a daily basis, because every word you think, speak or write is adding to what is happening on a planetary level. Due to the sheer numbers of the population that are impacting on the physics of the cosmos. 

Prophet Isaiah, "I have no wrath. Should someone give me briars and thorns in battle. Then I would step on them, I would burn them completely'. And people can be burned in the sunshine of love, just like a plant can get burnt as well, if they do not receive enough water. 

Prophet Isaiah spoke of the deeds of the people and the coastlines; and that is to do with the recompense due to the enemies of the LORD God. Isaiah also warned the people and those that live on the Islands in this timeline, and we shared those prophecies in 2010. 

It is written that Jeremiah asked the LORD God to pour out his wrath upon the nations. Would a true prophet of the LORD God ever ask for such a thing? Of course not. A true prophet of the LORD God asks the LORD to give the nations proof of the existence of his holy one, to speak to the people directly and tell them his will. To forgive the people for they know not what they do. To have compassion and mercy upon them. However, the spiritual law is such, that the measure that you give, will be the measure that you receive. 

Do I deny the sincerity of Jeremiah? No, I question those that imparted what he said and how he said it. The same with Prophet Ezekiel. It reminds me of words that I have written in the past, and then people relay in a different way then it was meant to be received. Hence, purity is profaned by those that have wrath inside them. and that is why the New Testament warned us all not to share what is sacred and the Apostles never did. 

However, I am incumbent to explain this to you for the people's understanding. Many prophecies were predicted because the LORD God knew what would happen in this timeline, what the people are co-creating for themselves. 
It is also mentioned in the Gospel of Peace and it says 'May the dark vision of the future not come to pass'. 

Prophet Ezekiel also predicted that their money of gold and silver will not deliver them in the day of wrath, and it speaks of their iniquity. We warned the people about buying gold and silver in advance. It is only worth what a person is willing to pay for it, and you cannot eat it. 

The Native Indians knew this full well, and they also tried to warn the peoples and nations of the world. Who as been storing up gold? Ron Paul for one. Another multi-millionaire that as not done the will of the LORD God. 
As such, he has and is contributing to the destruction of humanity, as outlined in the Malachi prophecies. 

Only heavenly management can help humanity now, and as the LORD God said in March 2010, EZRA, and it means God helps. He also put a golden celestial lance in front of me, and filled the room with energetic hearts that surrounded his holy one with love. 

He knows that this is the meantime of the night time, and  that it is hard for this sensitive and tender heart; to see how humanity is destroying itself due to its own co-creation. 

It does not have to be this way, if I should walk away. However, what kind of mother would I be, if I deserted the children and did not do my utmost to help them? Based upon what I know, and the divine guidance being given to us by the LORD God to help us all. 

Can we all say, ' I will live for you, and not die for you?'. 

Love beyond measure 


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