Sunday, 16 October 2011


When I woke up today the LORD said 'An TAY'. 

'Ante' means 'Before' or 'Preceding'. There is also a term 'ex-ante' and it means 'Before the event'. It can also mean 'Prior to in time', and 'In front of in space'. In other words the LORD gives us information on events to help us. 

Then the basket prophecy was brought to my attention and combined with the ante, it tells us that statues with the three baskets came prior in time and that is confirmed. In England the word ante is slang and it comes from poker when a person increases the ante they increase what they're putting upon it. In other words they increase the ante of the poker. 

Biblical scholar, Jonathan Went, also shares on his website that the word for 'Comforter' also changed in the last 900 years. Originally the English word for comforter meant a person that pushes and pokes people to do something and take action. In other words they are catalyst and Prophet Malachi predicted that the spiritual alchemist would come with healing in its wings. 

It can also mean to raise the stakes, or increase the risk. In the Zechariah prophecy the man put a talent of lead over the mouth of the vessel. To stop it from speaking because he could see the risk that was involved in respect of his own belief systems. In which, he had invested his whole life to it. In addition, a huge amount of Americans had invested in the status quo. 

In the William Blake illustration of the wondrous woman from heaven the dragon in Rev 12 put himself above her and looked down upon her. So in other words the person in Rev 12 that was trying to stop the wondrous woman from heaven, was putting himself above her, by standing against her. Like a man being on top. 100lbs is the equivalent of 7.1/7 stone. 

100 is also a number in the spiritual law and it came up a lot this year in the crop circles. In the old testament due to the iniquity of Rachel's father, Jacob had to work double the amount of years necessary for the hand of Rachel that he loved. Instead of working for seven years as agreed, he had to work for 14 years without wages. 

In the New Testament seven is to do with forgiveness. In Rev 12, the woman comes before the man in Rev 13 and in Rev 13, she is called WISDOM, who was called to the count on the man. The wisdom that she gained during the timeline of Rev 12 was invaluable to prepare her before the event of Rev 13. Not only was she prepared, but she had prepared others years in advance of what was coming. Before she knew the divine plan and the impact that her work and being would have on the community. 

What else do we have on 7.1/7? It gives the 7th of January, 2005. What happened on that day? 
Heavy rainfall that flooded Northern parts of England. [4]

Heavy rainfall on Friday 7 January led to flooding in Carlisle on Saturday 8th. The rainfall was prolonged over the high ground of the nearby Lake District and Pennines, draining into the River Eden on which Carlisle is situated. Places in western Scotland and north Wales also recorded high rainfall amounts from this event because of similar conditions in a south-westerly airstream. [4]Many places had over a 100mm of rain in one day. 

717 is to do with 'Pact of Umar' c.717 AD and it is to do with Islam. In this pact it is about Christians and non-Muslims knowing their place as second class citizens. In other words, in Islamic belief, their belief is superior to others. 

Both the men in Rev 12 and Rev 13 were in cahoots with the 'Pact of Umar' and that relates to the lead weight mentioned by Prophet Zechariah. Hence why in the prophecies of Zephaniah the Virgin of purity is sent to stand against the 'Son of Lawlessness'. 

TEY was also the wife of an Egyptian King. On inscriptions from the Amarna period Tey is called “nurse of the Great Royal Wife”. 

The word TAY can also be found in Hebrew. 

"Yet, we see within the pages of Torah through Gematria that Hashem offered reassurance twenty-two different times to the eight survivors. We observed this through the word Ha Tay Vaw, meaning "the ark" which in actuality represents 'YOUR SAFETY / YOUR SURVIVAL." Ha Tay Vaw occurs twenty-two times in twenty-one verses. There is only one additional reference to Ha Tay Vaw in the entire Bible. It is the reference to Moshe being placed in an ark to save his life. The Gematria of 22 expresses Hashem's feelings towards the residents within Ha Tay Vah.. the ark of security/ safety." [3] 

So you can understand that the woman in Zechariah 5 was put in the celestial basket to save her life, 
just like Moses was. Why was it important to save her life? Micah 4 tells you that she is the watchtower for the flock, she as an important divine purpose for being, just like Moses. The mother of Moses knew that it was imperative that she saved his life, and put him in the basket so that he could be found by the right people that would take care him. The basket hid what it contained, just like being hidden in the hand of God. The basket is a divine and celestial vessel, the basket was made from what was natural and organically grown. 

Ha Tay Vaw occurs 22 times, 22 is a Master number of the divine feminine. It is also the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. It appears in 21 verses and this is the 21st century that was born in her wisdom. 

There is also a  River TAY in Scotland that leads to the North Sea and as we know BP have just won a 4 billion pound contract to drill in the North Sea for oil. Humanity should not be drilling at this time of tectonic plates shifting. 

TAY is also an Irish cookery term for TEA so that brings us back again to the letter T, the ancient structures found in Turkey. No surprise then that some of my Scottish ancestors imported tea during colonial times. 

A is the Alpha = beginning. N is the Nun, the fish. T is the basket, A = beginning again, Y, is the Yad that means hand, the helping hand, that became the YUD. The ancient pictograph is a symbol of an arm and hand. The arm and hand also relates to Moses and the skin disease. In Buddhism it is a symbol of divine ordination. 

Beginning of the fish basket, beginning again. Helping hand being offered to you. Fish is to do with food. This is really important due to the pollution of the oceans; this is another reason why the LORD God sent the basket with the woman inside it. She knows, she understands. This is not the first time that WISDOM as experienced the destruction of civilizations and how it came to be. She was there in ancient times. 



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