Saturday, 24 November 2012


Last night the LORD God gave me the name 'Benny Hinn', today I looked at a video of him and after I had finished watching it, the LORD said 'The greatest sinner'. 'Benny Hinn, the greatest sinner'.

This link states that he was born and raised in Israel. The question is, is Hinn his real name? Apparently in the 90's he gave his public support to the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. The same Church that is responsible for this.

'Benny Hinn is a kingpin of the Toronto Movement, particularly considering his influence on John Arnott, pastor of the Toronto Airport Vineyard'. 

``one eighty-five year old woman who had come forward for a healing touch from Benny Hinn died after someone slain in the Spirit fell on her, fracturing her hip. The woman's family filed a five-million dollar lawsuit against Hinn in the incident" (Charismatic Chaos, John MacArthur, Jr., 1992; ref. Elderly Woman Killed by a Person ‘slain in the Spirit' falling on her, National & International Religion Report, Sept 21, 1987).[1] 

Well it certainly looks like Benny Hinn has had plenty of warnings! Including when his wife filed for divorce. Source link states that he split up with his wife due to her addiction to prescription drugs. [3]. 

I am sure if you were married to someone like Benny Hinn, he would drive you to drugs as well. Link states that he was born to Palestinian Christian parents. [3] There is also a claim that his father was the mayor of Jaffa, although there is no evidence to support his claim. [1] There should be a thorough investigation of the heritage of Benny Hinn in Israel. 

LORD you bring this to your divine court for a decision and judgement? 


Benny Hinn, you and your wife shall stop ministering to others immediately. 

You shall pass over all financial assets to the Lakota indigenous peoples; including Canada. 

You shall be left with just enough to feed and clothe yourselves. 

Mercy has given her decision. 

I have taken into account what your wife has been through during her life with you. Let it be judgement upon all of the other televangelists as well. 

Benny, you shall live quietly with your wife, you shall serve your wife and family only. You and your family shall teshuvah to the sacred and leave the Church altogether. Your faces shall never be seen in Church or public again. You shall take good care of your wife, you shall put her first, and never take a dollar from the American public again. 

You shall do has the LORD's divine court instructs; at your earliest convenience, or pay the consequences for not doing so. The gates of mercy shall not remain open to you for much longer. 


You have received the divine order. Judgement has been served upon you. 





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