Thursday, 9 December 2010

Abba said Eeore, Eeore,

Abba said Eeore, eeore, a sound described as donkey bray after we posted and sent out the information about the 'English child that puts Englishmen to shame'. [2]

Eeore is also a character in the 'Winnie the Pooh' books and a donkey is known as the beast of burden.

In the children's story, eeore teaches the piglet. eeore signs his name EOR. He also lives in the South East, and the South is the direction of the prophets and East is the direction of the teachers. The English child featured in the video on the post also lives in the South East. It is written that eeore said 

"No brain at all, some of them", "only grey fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake"

That is certainly what the 15 year was stating about the police. 


Not a good idea for the paradigm police to kettle the donkeys, 
because they make a lot of noise if you try to put them in a pen.
These children were allowed to grow up as FREE SPIRITS
and nothing will confine then now. As I said to a Native American the other day, a FREE SPIRIT cannot be confined or contained, no more than one can confine or contain God.

God bless them all and the divine plan.

It is written that the children received their divine plan in 2007 on 999.

Best the British children stick to what they know best,  
taking on the British Government.
Many spout off about the Middle East and yet they have never ever walked on the land.

However, I do agree that the Western nations should leave Afganistan, although I do not agree with what the young one says about Islam, due to my own experience both earthly and heavenly.

                     EOR is an abbreviation for Earth Orbit Rendezvous [3]

During the second Harmonic Concordance with Toni at England's Nazareth on the 1st of October 2004, I was told that spiritual people had this opportunity 1,000 years ago, but many did not make it in time to the Rendezvous, as such humanity went into the dark ages. 

I was also told that there would be a rendezvous in 2012, and that people would know where they have to go. To be in the right place at the right time. One blessed one spent this lifetime obsessed with maps because he missed the rendezvous 1,000 years ago. This lifetime he was told that he would find his way to the right place at the right time to complete the essential circle. 

It can also be found in Hebrew as YEOR and it means RIVER. [4] In Genesis it mentions that at the end of two years the Pharoah dreamed, and behold he stood by a yaer. (Nile) Gen 41:1. Well, who has been sitting in the White House for two years? Obama. 

This is when Joseph is let out prison and the King put Joseph in charge of Egypt and gave him a wife. Joseph's wife had two sons. One he called Manasseh and the other Ephraim. Joseph said 'It is because God as made me fruitful in the land of my suffering'. 

No surprise then that the verse of the day at biblegateway "The LORD your God will raise up a prophet for you like me from among you.  Deut 18:15 [5]

Islam claim that their prophet was the one promised to Moses but the prophet of Islam was nothing like Moses in anyway, nor did he fulfill the prophecies. 

It feels like another shift is coming, about time too.....




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