Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Gene Matlock and the Serpent

Author, Gene Matlock wrote about the Passion of Christ film and how they featured Christ crushing the head of the snake. He says he does not remember this being mentioned in the bible. Well it is in the bible in Genesis. However, in some translations it is he that crushes the head of the serpent, and in other translations it is she that does so.

Gene Matlock claims that the snake in the bible represents the Nagas living in South Eastern Mexico. It is clear that Gene Matlock does not understand biblical metaphors or hebraic philosophy.

In biblical times, if a person wasn't being very nice to you with the spoken word they were called a worm. The scriptures express that Christ called his accusers out as vipers and serpents. What comes from the head of the serpent? Venom. Why the head?

Accusers of the holy ones are coming from their heads instead of their hearts. That's why he told his accusers that their father was not the same as his, and that their father was haSatan. Modern day Abba uses the words Darth Vader to replace the word satan, to help people to understand what making accusations makes you,  and that shows people who you are and where you are coming from.

As Abba said "Those that are your accusers and adversaries stand behind you, those that love and honor you stand by your side, and those that think they are ahead of you will die".

The accusations are called 'vomit' in Isaiah 28, prophecy about Christianity, that is because people who accuse others are holding onto a sickness inside. Something inside is making them sick, hence why they make accusations about others. This is very current with the internet, because some use the vomit icon, some even state that they feel sick when they read something they did not like to read. The book of revelation also talks about people feeling sick when they receive the scroll of truth. 

So then you have to understand what an accuser is. For example when a man accuses his wife of having an affair when he is the one that is having it. During years of experience, I learnt that those that accuse you are actually showing you what they hold inside. Hence, why, if anyone accuses me of anything, I give it straight back to them, because it is theirs to own and heal, not mine.

Accusations are to do with perceptions of reality, due to the root causes of core issues that have not been healed inside. Christ warned people that if they did not heal themselves of what they held inside then they would taste death. In other words, they would die with the taste of disease e.g. cancer.

He also told the Apostles that what came out of their mouths came out of their hearts. He was sharing with them the importance of saving themselves, from their own transgressions of the spiritual  law. He knew that what came out of the heart, and then the mouth was an indication of that person's state and condition of health. He told them, that if they did not remove what was held inside, eventually it would kill them.

So then you have to know the difference between an accusation and that which is truth. Between a perception of reality and reality. The more people heal themselves the more their perceptions are removed and then the real truth comes into the light of day. If you require futher information on this, please do not hesitate to contact me, as I have written articles and chapters for a book about it in depth.

"Perception is an illusion that has no basis in reality" from Sacred Words

Plato also understood this philosophy,  it was also part of what the Greek prophets taught because all prophets know it to be true, as do healers of consciousness.

In the film Passion of Christ, if the film makers included Christ crushing the serpent under his feet, he was crushing the accusers of himself and Abba. The bible also tells you that God makes his enemies a footstool and he puts them under your feet. Why is that? When you understand this philosophy that we call the 'Puppy Philosophy' you are above those that accuse you of anything in your state of being.

In Revelation chapter 12, the woman has the moon under her feet. The moon is symbolic of those with the moon as their symbol, who accuses Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Hindu's and have the moon as a symbol on their mosques and flags? Islam. The moon is also related to emotions and the illusion that they can co-create.

Hence, why Christ taught his followers to trust him, that they could walk upon the ocean of emotion. In other words they could rise above emotion by healing it, when they were able to put emotion under their feet. This was very important to healers and to Christ, because he knew emotion can impact adversely on mind, body and soul. This is now being proven by science, anger is the biggest predictor of heart disease.

Here's to humanity having a healthy consciousness by healing the self.

May the good will of God be implemented and justice be done for the children.

1 comment:

marianne said...

I think false accusers are the most poisonous types of enemy there are.

By destroying your reputation, they hope to disarm you, so that you cannot fight back, or that you have to fight alone, without help.

But if God is for us, who can be against us, and win?