Friday 30 December 2011


In 2009 we wrote about the Latin American-Arab alliance and how they were having a conference after G20 held in 2009. Hugo Chavez also predicted the downfall of the USA after the Latin American-Arab conference,  and how the oil rich nations were going to develop their own currency.  It was back in 2009 that we made the post 'Woe to the G20 Leaders'. [1]

All the Latin America leaders are now suffering from cancer, and Chavez has accused the USA for his disease. Chavez had said it was 'very strange' that he and other leftist leaders were suffering from cancer after Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was diagnosed with the disease. He said that the instances of cancer among Latin America leaders were difficult to explain using the law of probabilities.

The leader of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo Paraguay, Dilma Roussef of Brazil and her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are also suffering from cancer. In addition Islamic leaders have have been having treatment for cancer as well. [1] As well as any other Western leaders that are supporting Islam, that includes a Native Indian leader, we have featured videos of Native Indians that have converted to Islam due to their leaders being courted by Palestinian leaders.

Its no coincidence that those that betray the West, the indigenous peoples by supporting Islam are being hit hard with cancer. That includes Rabbi's as well that stand against Israel.

So what have the Latin American leaders been up to? Islamic TV in Spain and Latin America starts broadcasting.

"The Saudi Foundation for the Message of Islam, owned by Sheikh Abdulaziz al Fawzan,will be broadcasting Cordoba Television from two warehouses in San Sebastian de los Reyes in Madrid – Spain. This will occur with the dawn of the new year 2012 (hat tip to the religion of peace!). The plan is to broadcast eight hours daily on the religion of peace issues. It is also planned to broadcast in Spanish in Spain and Latin America for 24 hours in the future. Most of the staff are Spaniards who have converted to Islam for one reason or another, and a few professionals from the Spanish TV channels Antena 3 and Telecinco." 

Ron Paul should be made aware that the LORD sees that he also supports Islam. What cost for oil? The bible speaks against those that plunder the nations for the price of oil. What price for peace that everyone is buying into again, just like they did with Obama. 

If peace means that you have to become a Muslim what will you do? That is Islam's long term strategy, to force the people to accept Islam for the trade-off of peace for the nations. That's why they call it the religion of peace, nations are forced to submit to it due to the violence its members co-create. That's how one Islamic state became 57. Do you remember when Obama made his slip up, and told American's there were 57 states? 

Will you be like Ron Paul and call Gaza a concentration camp? Has Ron Paul been entertained in the five class hotels and seen the shopping malls in Gaza? Has he seen what Western money has paid for and the Islamic villas for the Islamic leaders? I can tell you this, a concentration camp is not a five class hotel, and the people of Gaza are pawns in the Arab Islamic Jihad against the West. 

Those that support Islam or accept money from the plunderers are basically under their thumb, like puppets on a string for the Kings of the East whose days are numbered. Just like Nostradamus predicted Western leaders doing their bidding, murdering their opposers. Just like Tony Blair, David Cameron and Obama, doing deals to overthrow Islamic leaders because they have no choice in the matter. Western leaders are beholden to the Arabs and their religion. 

A poster wrote that Ron Paul is only interested in 'American interests' our response is 'What's new?'. America has always been interested in American interests; hence why the indigenous peoples have suffered due to the deeds of the corporations and its hit men. 

Ron Paul says he delivered 4,000 babies, well that's great. However, what did he do to stop 20 million children being hooked on pharmaceutical drugs? 

Nobody will be able to take the children out of my Father's hand. 

Latin American countries have also been selling out to China, and Peru sold a copper mountain to China. As we know China is also aligning itself with Pakistan, and many African countries due to their natural resources and 40 people were murdered in Nigeria on Christmas day while they were praying. I don't have to tell you what religion the murderers were from. 

As we predicted, the last war is about natural resources, and people are also a natural resource. 

Do not betray your own souls, stay true to the self. Live in spiritual independence as the everlasting covenant for the children ordains for it to be forevermore. 

Those that stand against the will of the LORD, will suffer the consequences in more ways than one. 




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