Friday 30 December 2011

Red Crow and Catholics

I always liked the Native Indian 'Red Crow' (now passed over) and one of his videos was brought to my attention today. In the video he is talking about how he engaged with the IRA. In the video he mentions how the Irish murdered more Native Indians than anyone else and puts the responsibility onto them being under orders of the army. However, Red Crow was in cahoots with terrorists that were involved in bombing England on a regular basis. I will always remember the day that the IRA blew up the pub in Birmingham, because I was working with a young creative team from Birmingham at the time.

The IRA were also mainly Catholics that were owned by the Vatican and most people are aware that both the Vatican and Islam were involved in WW2 and the holocaust. Both Islam and the Vatican have done their utmost to eradicate the Jewish people down the ages, including the indigenous peoples. Including inventing what is known as the 'blood libel' and a lot of what can be found on the origination of the USA leads back to Ireland and the Irish elite. Hence the Kennedy's were also Irish, and Obama traced some of his heritage back to Ireland as well.

Obama had a meeting with the Pope in 2011, and after the Dalai Lama had his meeting with Obama he was resigned to the fact that he was not going to receive any help for his people from the Obama administration. Of course not, the people of Tibet and the indigenous peoples are of no interest to Obama. His interest is Islam and he made that quite clear to the peoples of the world in more ways than one.

In addition to Red Crow being in cahoots with the Catholics that were mainly responsible for the destruction of the indigenous peoples and the Native Indians. A Native Indian leader from the Lakotah was also courted by Hamas who are recruiting heavily in Latin America.

Are these Native elders so easily flattered that they would even think of entertaining those that seek to destroy and eliminate others? Clearly they are and have been so, or they just innocent of what the indigenous people of this land had to suffer at the hands of the IRA? The prophecies warned about those that speak with tongues of flattery. Do those that are wise and are in direct communion with the Creator sing and dance with terrorists? No!

Following the discovery in Georgia of the ancient Mayan city from 1,100 years ago, it has been discovered that the Mayans moved North. "The people who settled there were known as Itza Maya, a word that carried over into the Cherokee language of the region. The city that is being uncovered there is believed to have been called Yupaha". [1] 

As such, it is clear that some Indians have Mayan ancestry and the shape of some of their faces also indicates that as well. It would be good for the Native American Indians to have the DNA test, that would then tell them of their true heritage if they have the courage to check it out. As we have said before; the truth will set the people free in this timeline when people do not live in attachment. How interesting it would be then if some Native Indians are Mayans and some of them chose to return to their true native lands to reunite with their people. Maybe that is what is truly missing, the roots of their ancestry.

The prophecies did predict that some will leave and will not return until the last days of end times are over.



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