Sunday, 30 December 2012

EVE 31st December, 2012

Dawn, 31st December, 2012, it began painting a lion and it turned into the head of a bird. News is that Clinton is in hospital with a blood clot.

31st of December, 2012 is the 'Day of Promotion' and I read that John Kerry is going to take the place of Clinton in the next Obama administration. Kerry was born in the Chinese Year of the Water Horse and they are known to be indecisive. A Sagittarius, the archer, he looks like a comedian. Maybe he is the clown that some are talking about. After all Obama likes to surround himself with clowns; because he likes to clown around. However, there is another side to Obama; and we all know about the tears that were not, otherwise known has crocodile tears. Celebrity president he maybe, but he would never make it has an actor! I was given a vision of a clown I shall have to take a look at it in the archives.


RED ALERT.......Vision of the Clown - YUD and the World

This evening I saw a vision of a clown crying and then Abba said YUD. 

Will Obama actually take up office in 2013? How do the Clinton supporters feel about that? The main topic in the USA still appears to be guns, when their country has plenty of people living in poverty to be concerned about. You can understand why the USA has the symbol of the eagle. Apart from that it is business has usual in the USA. The biblical story that gives the allegory of Adam and Eve is typical of the USA, has we know Eve ate that which was forbidden to eat. So what did Clinton eat that made her so ill? She is certainly not doing high fives with Turkey now. Has we know Turkey were warned in the book of Revelation, to return to the sacred.


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