Monday, 20 February 2012


News is that the British PM, David Cameron has told the EU leaders to 'Get a Grip'. So clearly, they do not have a grip on fiscal policy or what they are doing with the money. The EU has used the tax payers money from the EU like money that burns the whole in the pocket of a child. The EU spent money like water and I witnessed for myself the kind of projects of where some of that money went.

In this meantime of the judgement of Isaiah 65, 126,000 Greeks have lost their jobs in one month of November. In a country of 11 million the Daily Telegraph inform us that is the equivalent of three and half million Americans in a single month. [1] Unemployment has risen from 18.2% to 20.9%. As we know 18 is the number of 'materialism striving to destroy spirituality'. 20 is also the number of judgement.

What the EU forget is the Greeks were the first bankers in Egypt. They're not financially shy, and the crows have been attacking Washington. The bankers are giving money to the Greeks and the Greeks are accepting it, knowing full well that they will not be able to pay it back. Perhaps that's why they decided to go into the Euro in the first place. There must be a reason for it, because Greece did not require the EU to increase its trade, it had the opposite impact on their tourism industry that they depend upon. So what did Greece have to gain from it other than money?

What would you do if you wished for the Arabs and China to get out of your country? Default on payments. People don't wish to invest in a country that can't pay its bills or huge interest rates,  from experience I know that investors are not keen on charity. That's why they are investors instead of givers.

So is the last laugh going to be on the EU and the bankers? The response from Cameron certainly points in that direction. When the rich take on the Greeks and those hot blooded people that live in the med, they take on a lot more than they can chew. The Greeks have fought more wars on their soil, than the Americans have ever seen or would be willing to experience on their doorstep.

When a British PM tells them to 'Get a Grip' and the men at the top of banks are resigning around the world, you know its nearly over. They require investors, no investors, no corporations and stock markets. A lot of rich people are putting their money into bricks and mortar. They will lose that as well. There is no safe place for the rich to put their money anymore. I warned the wealthy a decade ago, the more you have, the more you have to lose. They were not amused.

Some think the end game was to devalue the EURO, others agree with me that the intention is to destroy the USA, e.g. Rev 18. However, let me remind you that the USA is the 'Field of Dreams', and you know what he said to RAY, they will come Ray, they will come.

It is no coincidence that the sun of righteousness has healing in their rays and the main character of that film 'Field of Dreams' was called 'RAY'.

So keep those lights of hope burning beloved ones, they will come and we will take our countries back from the bankers and the corporations.  The calves will leave their stalls just like Prophet Malachi predicted.



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