Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Well today is about CHRISLAM and those that are involved in spreading it in the USA. First we had the Catholic Church in Chicago with the worshippers that are praying in front of a statue of Fatima dressed in red wearing a head scarf.

Now its Chrislam where Churches in the USA are teaching the Qu'ran to the children. Islam do not accept that Jesus was the Son of God, or that Jesus had a Father. As such, Islam is what Apostle John described as 'anti-christ'.

Rick Warren, founder and pastor of Saddleback Community Church in Orange County California addressed the convention of the Islamic Society of North America.

Quote of the Day: “Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.” – Rick Warren in a speech to Muslims. [1] 
Why are you asking for forgiveness of Islam Rick Warren? Did you not receive a copy of the commentary on the prophecy against Islam in the bible? Did you not know that the LORD and his herald stands against Islam? Did you not know that Jesus warned against Islam? Goodness gracious me and you call yourself a pastor. Is it any wonder that the shepherds are being cut off in this timeline. As Prophet Zechariah predicted and he called people like you Rick Warren 'worthless shepherds', who have 'no favor or union' with the LORD. 
Do you know Rick that there is an Islamic prophecy that predicts that the Muslims and Christians will work together to destroy the Jewish people? Did you know that the Judeo-Christian prophecies predict the opposite? 
I recommend that all members of Rick Warren's Church leave immediately. Rev 13 warns you about the captivity in this timeline. Obama is also in Rev 13, he is the Leo the Leopard from Africa also mentioned in the book of Daniel. No surprise then that Rick Warren is a friend of Obama and George W. Bush. 
No surprise then that Rick Warren was born in the Chinese Year of the Snake. [3]And the book of Genesis predicted that she shall crush the head of the serpent. 
Yes, indeed. the herald was called, wisdom was called exactly as Rev 13 predicted. 
The judgement began in 2010 when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel, exactly as the Son of God predicted that it would. The Queen of the South is indeed here to deliver the judgements of the LORD. 
You have been judged Rick Warren and a storm is coming your way. You shall hand over any and all tithes to the Messenger of the Covenant, that you have taken from the people without the LORD's permission to do so during your career. 


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