Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Prior to writing this post a lovely black bird flew towards me, he flew right by to the right of me. The right hand of God. Blackbird is always a good sign to me, because the raven fed Elijah. 
Now the end begins website, shares this with us about Chrislam in the USA. 
"The concept of Chrislam, now embraced by such preachers as Rick Warren and Robert Schuller, appears to have emerged from a program on the meaning of “love your neighbor” at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta, Georgia “In 2001, like most Americans, we were pretty awakened to the true Islamic presence in the world and in the United States,” says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. “Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them.”
Stallsmith maintains that a rapprochement between Muslims and Christians can be achieved by the fact that Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times in the Quran.
The Chrislam movement has gained impetus by statements from President George W. Bush and that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God and by Rick Warren’s reference to Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) in his prayer at the inauguration of President Barack Obama." [1] 

Yes, Jon, the Son of God did tell people to 'love your neighbors'. However, he did not tell his followers to get into bed with them. The heavenly Father warned us that while your backs are turned, Islam is going after your women and children. 
Do you not know the scripture? Do you not know that the Son of God warned about Islam? Do you not know that the Jewish prophets gave prophecies against Islam? Do you not know that Christians are being persecuted all over the world, and that Muslims decimated the Christian population in Lebanon? 
Do you not know that in Europe the indigenous peoples are being discriminated against by their own governments due to Islam and its cultural genocide? 
I recommend you read this post addressing one of your pal's Rick Warren who has been judged also. [2]
While you are having a relationship Jon, Islam is taking your women and children and it includes Native Americans. Your support of the Islamic religion then encourages American children to become involved in it Jon. Did you know that Hamas are recruiting heavily in Latin America? Do you know that they are recruiting in every prison in the USA and across the world? 
Teshuvah Jon Stallsmith. 

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

The name of Jesus is not Isa, [4] the book of Revelation tells you that he has a new name in this timeline. So the Qu'ran is irrelevant as far as Jesus is concerned. Jews, Christians and Muslims do not all worship the same God, and that has been proven by Christian Arabs.

Palestinian ex-Muslim, Walid Shoebat made me laugh, when he told an audience at a prophecy conference that when he was praying to Allah he wasn't getting a response, he said that he discovered that he was dialing the wrong number. 
Is it any wonder that shepherds like Jon Stallsmith are being cut off in this timeline? [3]

There is a storm coming your way Jon. Do you not know Jon, that Islam teach that Jesus was a prophet of Islam? Yet, in the bible Jesus warned against Islam and its captivity? 

Did you not know that Jesus warned his followers that they would get flogged by the councils in the last days of the end times that began in 1975? What councils was he talking about Jon do you know? Sharia councils. Lebanon was destroyed in 1975 by Arafat's men and in the next 20 years, the Christian population was decimated. 
Jon wrote: 'Better is open rebuke than hidden love'. 
You are absolutely correct on that Jon, now you know that you are being rebuked openly by the Messenger of the Covenant. My righteous love is not hidden, it is here for the whole world to see. 

Teshuvah Jon, Teshuvah 


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