Wednesday, 1 February 2012

South Sudan -v- TOTAL Corporation Carnage

Wherever the corporations go, as I typed that the LORD said 'There is carnage'.

"Wherever the corporations go there is carnage'

And South Sudan is no different as violence leaves 120,000 displaced and many have been murdered by those tribesmen that are prepared to murder for money.

The people fled from their villages into the forest and all of their houses were burned down and destroyed. That's how they clear the land so that they can put their pipelines in. The locals also report that the forest is no longer bush, it is now desert.

Why? Clearly, they are clearing the forest to put their pipelines in. Forests destroyed, homes destroyed, people murdered all for the sake of oil that the West put in their tanks; to drive their cars to shops to buy their latest gadgets.

Gadgets that are 'made in China' by children that fall asleep over their workbench, and Chinese men and women that jump from the tops of buildings due to the West and its never ending consumerism.

Did you have a good Christmas Christians, did you fill the Christmas
sacks with toys and gadgets? Did you fill a sock for your dog or cat?

Did you cover the table with the best food?

Did you give a thought to the women and children starving in the Bush?

While you were lapping up the luxury of the West at the cost of another?

How about Israel and the Jewish people and their festival of lights, were
the Jewish people sitting in their comfort zones in the USA?

Late December 2011, innocent people in the main Murle town of Pibor were
attacked by 6,000 armed Lou Nuer tribesment, leaving at least 2,000 people dead.

The video shares with us that Total plan to take the pipeline through to Kenya
and we all know who has a history with Kenya don't we, OBAMA.
I recommend that you read the post on the Obama CIA Creation and its
involvement in Africa over the decades.

As we know TOTAL is a French company e.g. Libya.

However, how many people from how many nations have invested in Total?

Those investors in and shareholders of the Total corporation have blood on their hands.

No surprise then that there was a French film made in 2002 called 'Carnage' and another one was made by Roman Polanski in 2011. We all know what happened to his wife don't we.

Well I tell you what it is time for a Total Teshuvah.


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