Thursday, 16 February 2012

Sign of Bird War Ends

Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oyseau,
Aupres de Dole & de Toscane terre:
Tenant au bec vn verdoyant rameau,
Mourra tost grand & finera la guerre.

For a long time a grey bird will be seen in the sky
near Dôle and the lands of Tuscany.
He holds a flowering branch in his beak,
but he dies too soon and the war ends.

As we know the bird that holds a flowering branch in its beak is to with Noah, after the flood, Noah sent out a bird and it came back with a flowering branch in its beak. Jesus also mentioned Noah to do with the last days of the end times and in my humble view. The nations mourned the Asian disaster on Boxing Day, 2004. 

Tuscany = Florence we were sent to Florence for the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003. 

We also gave a wooden broach of a bird with the olive branch to everyone that attended the Harmonic Epiphany at the Sea of Galilee on the 22nd of May, 2006. 

A flowering branch can also be to do with peace. So who is going to die? Is it the Pope? 

What else do we have on Dole? Department of Labour and Employment? 

The sunken italian cruise ship. [2]

Dole in France is 333 miles from Pisa in Tuscany. [3] 333 the Sophia Wisdom Gateway in 2010. 

There was a Bob Dole that was running for president in the USA in 1996. [4]

Bob Dole was in the news yesterday and he supports Mitt the Mormon. [5] 

Dole is another lawyer and well, he works for, wait for it. Alston and Bird. LOL. 

Do you remember that the LORD said 'BOB'? This man is ancient, he was born in 1923. In my count that means he will be 89 this July. He looks like he's had a facelift because the eyes go taught like that when they get older. 

That quatrain is 1.100 and 100 is to do with the spiritual law and reaping what people sow. 

11.00 = Master number of duality. However, Bob Dole was also born on the 22nd and that is a Master number of the divine feminine. 

In gematria the number 1,100 is the value of the following: 

New Science, Revelations, Sweet. 

Psalm 110 is about daughter ZION. "The LORD says to my lord:“Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of your enemies!” As we know in Rev 12, she has the moon under her feet. 


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