Monday, 20 February 2012


While writing the post about the blood red rivers that are being seen in Lebanon, China and the USA. [1]

The LORD said ''Get ready for the boar'. Ron Paul was born in the Chinese Year of the Boar and he is also featured in the prophecies of Nostradamus. As we know the boar is a wild pig. Straight after that I was shown the news about the 'French Bulldog'. 

"Well look what we have here, a French Bulldog comes to the rescue in the freezing cold forest of Berlin in Germany. The Bulldog, named 'baby' has adopted the six wild boar piglets, their own mother was shot by a hunter. France, Germany and the USA, that figures.

Did any of this happen in the time of the prophet of Islam? Simply put, no. Did it happen in the time of Jesus? No. It wasn't meant to happen again until the last days of the end times. Nostradamus predicted that they do not honor the lady until the terror is so great, that they have no choice in the matter."

Let's hope that they don't leave it that long. 

Then on the 18th of February,  the LORD said 'The musicians are on to it'. 'Don't refrain, remember Abraham Lincoln'. 

So what happened during the time of Abraham Lincoln? There was a civil war over slavery, many men died, and America the land of the USA was polluted with bloodshed. Lincoln was also assassinated like JFK and as we know Kevin Costner also appeared in that film. When I was shown the vision of Whitney Houston in July 2010, I was in the kitchen at the time having lunch. First I saw Whitney then Kevin. 

It is written that Abraham led his people through a'constitutional, military and moral crisis'. 'Preserving the union while ending slavery'. 'From a poor family and self-educated', I can see the resemblance. He was also a freedom loving Aquarian, born on the 12th of February. 12 x 2 = 24 also relates to the spiritual elders mentioned in the book of Revelation. Each have a harp and the harp is to do with the 'Harp of Faithfulness', that I am. 

Today the forums are also talking about the resignations of the top people at banks around the world. However, there is nowhere for them to run, there is nowhere for them to hide from the LORD and the spiritual law. There is no refuge for what the bible calls the 'wicked'. Those like Dow Chemicals that have contaminated the 2012 Olympics. See our other blog. Amazon Watch also report that Chevron are still trying to avoid paying for the ecological disaster that they created. At the same time as the Brazilian president is planning to destroy the rain forests of the indigenous peoples; by allowing the corporations to build a dam. 

What the people have to comprehend is that when the corporations destroy the rain forests, they also destroy the eco-system and the fresh air that you breathe. This planet is a living conscious being, and will continue to respond to those that are doing their utmost to destroy it. The planet will survive, the question is how many people will survive this time of judgement? This is the timeline of Isaiah 65, the time of the judgement and salvation. 

I shared a lovely video today from Compassion International about two young men that had found meaning to their lives and purpose. One of the young men from Haiti was being pressured by his family to enter a country illegally. Sounds like it was probably the USA. However, he listened to his soul and knew in his heart that he had a divine purpose in Haiti. He made the right decision, and after that Compassion International was brought into his life. 

The video is called 'Positive Change Agents for the Kingdom'. Of course as soon as the word kingdom is mentioned some people react due to them associating the word with religion. As I pointed out to them, the Kingdom of Heaven is within. However, we cannot ignore that which the LORD brings us, because if we do, then we are also ignoring the LORD as well. As he said 'It is not a one-way street'. 

In my experience, when people seek the kingdom within, then the LORD manifests other realities that he would like you to experience for your own growth or spiritual journey, and every journey is unique. This is the time that the old heaven and earth is getting swept away and a new heaven and earth is being co-created as per Isaiah 65 and Micah 4. 

This is the time when those that truly walk the talk in their being of godliness, bring that reality to earth. Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane, in so doing the earth is transformed. I was speaking about this to the Americans in 2009, yet I find myself having to remind them again. While some are chasing the money, here we are continually doing the will of the LORD on a daily basis. The LORD's Harp of Faithfulness provides the words for you to hear and see. 

I came to know that compassion is an active word, it means to take action. 

"Love heals the world and compassionate action changes it'. From Sacred Words. 

As you can see love is not enough, people have to take compassionate action in the outer world, it is all to do with ascension. Prophet Isaiah understood how important it was and is, that is why it is shared in Isaiah 58. After you have redeemed your soul, restored your being in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law. Then you're ready to see and implement compassionate action in a totally different way to the way that you once knew. Its a very different level of being divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. In my experience when people are ready they are given missions of compassion. In my case, it was a mission of compassion with the children that began in 1999, Australia. 

Little did I know at that point who I was to become for the LORD. I had no idea at that time, where it was all going to lead me. I just trusted the divine with all of my heart and soul. Each step of the way, taken, one step at a time. 

So the LORD says 'Don't Refrain, remember Abraham Lincoln'. 

What does the word refrain me? It is written that the word 'refrain' comes from Latin, 'refringere', 'to repeat'. In other words, don't repeat what happened in the time of Lincoln. Come willingly to honor and the grace and mercy of the LORD. In music, a 'refrain' as two parts and it is found in the 'star-spangled banner' that Whitney Houston sung. [2]

In the dictionary, the word refrain means not to hold yourself back. In the bible it tells the people not to shrink back. And, “But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back. But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. Hebrews 10:38-39 

As we know that is repeated again in respect of the wondrous woman from heaven. "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." Rev 12: 11. The Rev 12 timeline finished in December 2008. 

During that timeline, we shared our testimony of divine experience, we did not hold back. It is mentioned again in Matthew chapter 24, that is only when 'the one' shares their testimony with the nations that the end comes. 

We have to share this truth, many lives are at stake. You must share this truth as well if you wish to avoid bloodshed and a repeat of the civil war cycle on the land of the USA. 


Eliakim said...

A friend in the USA emailed this response.

The end of the 11337th cycle of 65 days since 8/11 in 6 BC will bring us to 20120308 which is Jesus (15131) days from August 11th in the year 2053. 65 corresponds to the english word ON (65).

Interstate 65 (I-65) begins in Gary Indiana, the birthplace if Michael Jackson and passes thru Birmingham and Montgomery Alabama, two of some of the most famously historic cities in our country's struggle to accept the Civil Rights of black Americans.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

My response to him was this.

They will come to help, the Son of God will compel their hearts. Jesus Christ did not spend years training me, for me to not share what I know with them. His truth will be shared with the world before I leave this planet, it is the ONLY way, they must know the true meaning of salvation and the rest.

Eliakim said...

After I sent that to the USA, I had a real sense of the film 'Field of Dreams' when the actor told Kevin Costner, they will come.