Thursday 15 March 2012


On the 20th of May 2011, we wrote about the Dead Leopard Sharks found in the USA and that post also mentioned Ayers, the friend of Obama. [1]

Today, Ayers is being featured in a clip and Ayers: said 'Revolution' needed to stop 'White Supremacy'.

"I mean, I think the people who practice white supremacy and who benefit from it are going to have to be stopped. And I think that's a huge undertaking and I think it takes a revolution." [2] 

The first thing for you to do Bill Ayers is heal the 'need' within yourself. Then seek out the 'White Supremacy' within yourself, see if you can heal it. Seek within. 

Now how about the opposite that Obama was involved in? What his mentors have been teaching for generations to vulnerable and young minds? What is the difference between white and black supremacy Ayers? Is there any difference? Or do you only stand against one type of supremacy? 

In my humble view, this post links in with the five star dream, and the sign of fives stars, the sign of the 'superior' that is put upon the wall of hotels. 

Is the reality of Ayers and Liberal Democrat fans superior to others? No. Is it superior to the spiritual law? No, is it superior to the LORD God Almighty and his creation? No. 

As the biblical prophecies predicted this is the time as predicted by Prophet Zechariah when the 'worthless shepherds' that have 'no favor or union' with LORD are being cut off. Ayers is such a person and you will be pleased to hear that he has retired from working in a university. The more that the people come to understand the full implications; of what Ayers has been involved in during recent the decades, the quicker the bell will ring in their ears, and the Christians will hear the call to duty. 

You have been judged Bill Ayers for co-creating a divisive cultural intervention into the affairs of the people and children of the USA. You have influenced the educators of the educators, that educate children. During your career, you have implemented communist strategies that are not consistent with human decency, and nor are they in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law. 

Revolution always ends in violence, history proves that to be true. This is a new age, the Age of Aquarius. A time that was predicted to come, a time of 'emotive social evolution'. As such it is as natural and organic as creation itself, creation evolves and evolution creates. 

Now because Ayers had not healed himself, he did not seek to find the root causes of the core issues within himself, he found his enemy outside of himself. He was as the American Indians say, a warrior with an enemy. What the Messenger of the Covenant says is seek within yourself,  and do not lead others until you have done so. 

At the end of the day, Ayers is a man that plotted to re-educate Americans, and its recorded that those he could not re-educate; he and his comrades planned to murder. Yes, murder 25 million people due to his ideology. What does that remind you of? Does it remind you of Germany and WW2? Or Russia and France and their revolutions? 

What on earth happened to Ayers in his childhood? Where was his trust in human nature and the wonder of creation of the LORD God? As we know, everything has its time and season, and the LORD allows nations and people to destroy themselves; with their own hand if they refuse to listen and do the will of God. We witness it throughout history, how empires have been destroyed due to man's intention to overpower and rule other nations. 

Well I have news for you Ayer and the Liberal democrats, the people are taking their power back from people like you, from education, from the pharmaceutical profession and everything else that the Liberal Democrats and or Republicans are involved in. 

I witnessed the tactics first hand during the 2008 election, and the Messenger of the Covenant was not impressed with the standard or quality of your strategies. I understand and appreciate that Americans were taught to do what they've done and many are innocent of the power of it on their own health. However, you have no excuse Ayers, a man of your academic ability should understand the scientific aspects and how you Ayers, are assisting your followers to destroy themselves with their own thoughts, words and deeds. 

Ayers and the followers of Obama stood against the holy Spirit and as Rev 13 predicts they are not written in the lambs book of life. They shall pay the price for what they have done to the people for generations. The Queen of the South is here to preside over the judgement of you. You see the LORD God really does have a heavenly government, with a governor that he put in place. Chosen by his Son to be righteousness when the time came. Wisdom was indeed called to do the count and judge this generation. You were all warned in advance, that you would be judged by your words. Why? Your words show the paraclete exactly who you are and at what state of being you are vibrating at.

Ayers you spoke of what you 'needed' and that you 'needed a revolution' to take place, to suit yourself and your own ideology; without considering the impact you were having on others or their state of being. As such, you did your utmost to control the outcome; instead of allow nature to take its course and the divine plan to unfold.

You see there really is a divine plan, and if America has learned anything from the situation co-created by Obama and Ayers,  it is how not to do it. They have repeated the same old never ending cycles that nations have gone through down the history of time, simply because they did not put the effort into resolve their own issues within themselves.

Only the truly righteous that walk in the integrity of good conscience are given the authority to intervene to help humanity. It is divine providence, when the Holy Spirit chooses to intervene in humanities affairs due to the coming of a major turning point in the history of creation. Some might describe it as a U turn, others might describe it as the evolution of the ages on a global scale. You see it never was about you Ayers, this is about the future of the children and their human and divine right to be who they wish to be in Spiritual Independence.

It is about their spiritual heritage and the great promise that the LORD God made to humanity. So Ayers, you shall not stand against my people, you shall not stand against Israel. In my experience of walking the land of Israel, they require no teachers, they know what must be done to create peace in the land. The people themselves have been working towards that from the first day that the nation of Israel was restored.

You see the Jewish people have a divine right to exist and live on the land of Israel as ordained by the LORD God. They had to be there to receive the Harp of Faithfulness. The LORD God sent his love ambassador to Israel and he showed them ' Here she is, elohiym is here'. The biblical prophecies were fulfilled, she really was planted in Jezreel exactly as Prophet Hosea predicted.

'Love heals the world and compassionate action changes it' from Sacred Words

Revolution does not break the status quo, it just embeds the never ending cycle further; if people are not willing to seek within and receive the love that is pouring out upon the world. Righteous love that can unite those that are willing to unite for the good of all. One for all and all for One.

Zealous compassionate action that helps to raise the vibration of the poor out of their financial demise. Only then does the pyramid collapse, when people live in integrity and walk the talk.

The unity of righteous love will have the impact that the LORD is determined will come to be, and nothing and nobody can stand in the way of this unfettered flame of love. The old heaven and earth is indeed passing away, along with the old oppressive regimes and ideologies that Ayers has been a part of. The truth will indeed set them free. .

For it is the will of the LORD God for his glory forevermore.



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