Sunday 11 March 2012


Well Obama and his supporters are getting into more and more hot water, and it is going to reach boiling point before the people have their tea party. It sure won't be like the Obama's Alice in Wonderland party held in 2009 at the White House. Oh no, this tea party is strictly for adults and you shall smell the coffee like I did just now. I drink my coffee black, how about you? The Obama brownshirts hi-jacked the tea party, they hi-jacked the Occupy movement in the USA. It adds an extra dimension to what the Son of God said in 2008, when he said 'The USA is the House that Jack Built'.

In January we wrote 'See what happens in March'.

On the 6th of March we posted 'Obama "Treason' Supporters. [1] 8th of March, 'American Crisis Point' President Obama proven to be illegal by police. [2] 11th of March, Five Star Dream USA that mentions Breitbart, five stars and the military. [3] Rev. Manning and the Breitbart Assassination video. How Andrew had information given to him by Wikileaks that he was planning to release in respect of the US bin laden situation. [4]

Then Joel Pollack from Breitbart Media article uploaded.  In November 1985, the Harvard Law Review published an article by Derrick Bell that was a "classic" in the development of Critical Race Theory. The article was edited by then-student Elena Kagan, and was cited by Prof. Charles Ogletree in support of her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court by President Barack Obama in 2010. The article makes clear that Critical Race Theory sees the U.S. Constitution as a form of "original sin"--a view later embraced by Obama as a state legislator, and reflected in his actions and appointments. The following is an excerpt from the non-fiction portion of the article; much of what follows is a fictional story that Bell intended as a parable of racial "fantasy." (99 Harv. L. Rev. 4) [5] 

Now there is news that a US Marine is being investigated for speaking the truth. "Obama is the domestic enemy our Oath speaks about"'. Those that have been following blog posts here, also know that we mentioned the 'enemy within the USA' in the Five Star Dream USA, post. 



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