Tuesday 6 March 2012

Obama 'Treason' Supporters

Obama supporters have begun with their psychological posts. Telling Ron Paul supporters that they will be crying after super Tuesday. Paul supporters know that if Paul doesn't win the vote then the election has been rigged again. We know that Ron Paul has tremendous support from the people and it includes the military. Obama supporters compare the low funding from the military as evidence that Ron Paul does not have enough military support. However, as I told them, Obama is out of it, he was only given power for 42 months e.g. Rev 13.

Obama supporter then says 'Your little treason'. That is a great word for Obama supporters. It certainly is treason. That is also confirmed in Rev 13, the Obama supporters are not written in the lambs book of life. I also told them that this isn't about money, it is about life or death.

Where was this photograph taken? Chicago, USA.

In the prophecy of Obadiah it mentions the land of ESAU and the men of EDOM. The red hairy nation, is the nation of the American Indians. The prophecy mentions the envoy was sent to the nations to tell them to rise against the USA and it states that the LORD will make it small among the nations and 'you will be utterly despised. The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks. As we know the rock is also to do with Peter, the Vatican and the Pope, the Catholic Church. In addition, the USA is famous for its Rocky Mountains. They carved the faces of the American presidents into the rock face of the mountains.

In the text, Americans ask "Who can bring me down to the ground?".

The response is given, 'Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest amongst the stars, from there I will bring you down declares the LORD'.

The prophecy also mentions the thieves and robbers that came at night time. Night time is also to do with the last days of the end times. It tells them that disaster awaits them and that they stole as much as they wanted to steal. How ESAU was ransacked and his hidden treasures pillaged. It told them that their friends would deceive and overpower them, A trap was set and they did not detect it. The USA, Obama, hook, line and sinker. The chief officer that took the money is also mentioned by Prophet Isaiah.

“The day of the LORD is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head. Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually; they will drink and drink and be as if they had never been." 

The prophecy tells them that only on Mount ZION is there deliverance, and that JOSEPH is the flame. 

Teshuvah USA, teshuvah, otherwise there will be nothing left of the USA, it will be burnt to stubble, and the prophecy states that there will be no survivors. 

At the end of the prophecies it mentions that the deliverers will go up to Mount Zion, and that relates to the building of New Jerusalem. As the prophecies predict, ZION shall have a new name. Prophet Isaiah also called the new holy city, the city of enlightenment. 

You are quickly running out of time America. The LORD told you his will and what you must do. 

Brett also gives you another warning as well. 


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