Saturday 24 March 2012

DNC Motion -v- Orly Taitz Motion

Most of the media have ignored the Obama eligibility issue in the last three years; and the supporters of truth were called 'Birther's' by the media and all of the names under the sun. 

However, now there has been a police investigation, the birth certificate is a major issue in addition to 'voting fraud'. After three years of Obama, many Americans are taking it a lot more seriously. 

One of the people that has been on the case almost since the beginning is Orly Taitz in California. 

I have to congratulate her on the sheer strength of her tenacity, in pursing the eligibility case relentlessly through the courts. There has been hurdle after hurdle, and she kept going. I just checked into see what that latest is with Orly, and found that she had made a post that the DNC have filed a motion against her. They are stating that Orly is making the president suffer and that they wish to examine her under oath; to see if someone induced her to file the law suits against Obama. 

My first response to the 'suffering' issue is that on the 19th of March 2012, Michelle Obama appeared on television and when asked about her husband, his wife responded 'He's always upbeat'. Those words have simply blown away any allegations regarding any suffering, and it could be used as evidence in a court of law. It does beg the question do the DNC even know what the word 'suffering' means? 

Orly wrote the following on her blog. 

"Please, read the motion by the Democratic party. The word insane does not even begin to describe it. They want the judge to allow them to put me on the stand to testify if someone induced me to file all the law suits against Obama. They printed out 21 law suits that I filed against Obama, they are saying that I make the President suffer and they want to examine me.
Well, I will be filing my response to this and other new pleadings by the Democratic party and by the Attorney General of Mississippi (Democrat Jim Hood).
If they want testimony during April 16 hearing in Jackson MS and they claim that it is frivolous on my part to sue Obama, I will have to reciprocate and examine a few individuals under oath." For more information please see the link. [1] 

It looks like Orly is finally going to get the opportunity to put the DNC under oath. 

Best wishes to her and success in abundance. The spiritual law is certainly on her side, while the planet is in the Saturn in Libra transit. 


Anonymous said...

It's patently obvious that neither you nor Orly have an clue what the pleading about "suffering" frivolous lawsuits means.

Anonymous said...

Thanks,Anonymous, for letting this blogger know that she nor Orly understands the legal use of suffer. It's a shame that there is so much ignorance of law and procedure. Especially when it comes to Orly Taitz.

Orly is no match for the attorney for the defense. It would be wise for her to consult with a good criminal defense attorney in Mississipi before she heads there for the hearing because it is highyly likely that she's going to need one.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous, It's only obvious you provide zero facts, zilch, nothing and zero reasoning but just an emotional response.

It's no wonder why an usurper is in office, with a forged birth certificate with such illogical outburst.

Obama choose to send a military officer to prison than to show his birth certificate.

U.S. Army Doctor Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin, who's refusing to return to Afghanistan for a second tour, having served more than seventeen years, is asking the acting President to release his original birth certificate to establish Barack Hussein Obama as constitutionally eligible to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief.

By NOT establishing his eligibility, Barack Hussein Obama has caused all military officers undue jeopardy, as should Barack Hussein Obama not be a natural born U.S. citizen, then all his orders are illegal, making those that following them accountable, for following illegal orders, as crimes against the United States of America under the U.S. Constitution.

Now Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said President Barack Obama's birth certificate is not authentic afer conducting a 6 month 2000+ page report.

Is Obama qualified to be the US President ask Dr. Orly Taitz. That is a honest and valid question given how this effects our country.

If you value liberty, justice for all, then Obama is NOT above the law.

For anyone who doesn't get it, watch this short video:

Eliakim said...

Anonymous there is nothing frivolous about a police investigation into Obama that is taking place. During the police investigation the police have also found that Obama did not provide a legal birth certificate.

As such, Obama should not be standing in the White House. Voter fraud investigations have also been carried out as well by the people.

In addition, there is nothing frivolous about sending men to war to die. However, the jokes and vacations of the Obama's certainly are frivolous.

This post was purely to make the news announcement about the case. There was no intention to provide facts about the case, that is a matter for the experts in their field.

So once again the fact that there is a police investigation into Obama, that also defeats any claim by the DNC and their prosecution lawyers.

It is Orly that is the defence in this case, defending her right to bring justice to the American people. Defending the right for the American people to have the truth documented in a court of law. There is certainly nothing frivolous about that.

By the time this is all over Obama and the DNC simply won't be able to take anymore; because this time they took on the LORD God.

The DNC wear a mantle of shame due to their corruption that is coming into the light of day on a daily basis.

That is exactly what the bible promised would happen. Nothing shall remain hidden and all shall be disclosed in this timeline.

So as far as defining the terminology of 'suffering frivolous lawsuits' it really is irrelevant when Obama is being investigated by the police force.

Obama and the DNA shall be defeated and the more that they stand against Orly Taitz the more that they shall all suffer the right hand of the LORD God. They shall get a mighty slap, just like when the LORD slapped the Pharaoh in Egypt.

The DNC have no comprehension of what they are taking on, when they take on the legions of the light of the cosmos.

May the LORD God be will Orly Taitz every single step of the way. May he put the words into her mouth to speak, may he write every word that she writes.

Hashem blesses you Orly with his light of love and you know that the light has been with you ever since the start of this journey.

Anonymous said...

To the last two commenters that believe that Shurf Joe is actually conducting an investigation that will actually lead anywhere. Let me know how that goes for ya.

Come April 16th, Orly's case will be dismissed at the very least. At the worst, it will be dismissed and she will face criminal charges for filing her lawsuit. I CAN guaratee you that neither of you will be happy with the results and for that, I and many others that enjoy watching birfers cry will be doing so with smiles on our faces as we continue to munch more and more popcorn. Thanks for the entertainment you all provide.

Eliakim said...

Joe as got a lot more on Obama and so have many others. The Leopard won't escape the flames of this now. The fire has been getting larger and larger every day since before he was even elected.

Its all written in the biblical prophecies.

The LORD our God will have the last word. He even read out a psalm about me on 9/11.

anotherparadox said...

Eliakim - you are truly a delusional person.

Nothing will ever come from Shurf Joe and all of these 'other people' that you claim to have something on President Obama.

Go ahead and live in your fantasies as it seems to make you happy. The world will continue to go on as is, Obama will be on all ballots in every state come November, and thanks to people such as yourself and Taitz, Obama will likely win another 4 year term. And I will most likely cast my vote for him since the GOP isn't capable of bringing forth a viable candidate. They shouldn't have moved so far to the right.

As much as you and people like yourself would like to believe that you are the majority, you aren't.

Anonymous said...

If anyone votes for Obama again they must be crazy. I'm sorry even the dead vote for Obama as well as the illegals. So I guess its ok for you to vote for this puppet communist again.

Anonymous said...

Millions of Americans are aware of the blatant FRAUD Obama & his rich backers have pulled on America- but the news-media BLACKOUT is unforgiveable- more than 30 lawsuits have been filed in court against Obama's FORGED birth certificate & multiple SSN's used in real estate scams- have you ever read one word about any of them? GOOGLE "MARA ZEBEST" who has written dozens of books on ADOBE software and hear her stake her reputation that the (ADOBE PDF file) birth certificate is a blatant FORGERY- It shoulda been on the FRONT PAGE-

Eliakim said...

Yes, the sleeping giant has awoken over Obama and what he has done in his life. His time is up in June exactly as the bible predicted it would be. As the book of Revelation predicts those that supported Obama are not written in the lambs book of life.

Indeed, the Obama supporters when there own way instead of the way of the Spirit. Those that deny the way of the Spirit are spiritually dead in their graves. We gave them plenty of warnings and they refused to listen.

Well now watch it all unfold.

Obama can't stop the vetting, the Liberal media are imploding and so are the statesiders that supported the election corruption.

Eliakim said...

Here's another one for the Obama supporters. Obama medicare chief joins Soros. Its about money in the Obama camp.

Eliakim said...

Lakin speaks out after Marines push to discharge man who questioned Obama.
Published: 22 hours ago

Dr. Terry Lakin, an officer who was drummed out of the Army for questioning Obama’s eligibility, says that a veteran Marine facing discharge after he posted a comment on Facebook contending the president’s birth certificate is fake shows the need for the military and Congress to resolve the issue.

As WND reported, Marine Sgt. Gary Stein is under investigation and facing possible discharge over a Facebook page he created for military members to speak out called Armed Forces Tea Party, in which he, too, questioned Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president under the U.S. Constitution.

Speaking the truth is not allowed under the Obama regime, sure sign of a dictatorship. When people do their utmost to crush truth and trample upon it.
You will always recognize an Obama supporter because they use the word of 'delusional' a lot. That is because they are what they accuse others of. It was all predicted that it would happen to those that were not written in the lambs book of life.

Obama and his administration have contravened the universal declaration of human rights. Article 19. Obama and his supporters will pay the consequences for what they have done.