Monday 19 March 2012

Toulouse Prophecy - Jewish Tragedy

Four dead in a shooting at a Jewish school in France. Another tragedy with children involved. In Jerusalem, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said 'whether it was a terror attack or a hate crime, the loss of life is unacceptable'.

Ehud, what is unacceptable to the LORD God, is you and your nation not accepting the one that he sent to help you all. I wrote yesterday, that he is not happy with the nations, and he is giving me the smell of 'sick' as I write this. The people around the world are getting more and more 'sick of it'.  Enough really is enough.
On the 21st of February, 2012, I was given a vision of giant hands of the LORD, and he had planet earth in his hands and the post mentions France.
In the original post we included the Nostradamus prophecy and it mentions the 'old flame of anger unappeased'. 

With a different quatrain that mentions Toulouse. 

In recent days, I also posted the information on the heart, heart mysteries, the margarine that came from France. In the margarine -v- butter post, there was also the post on the fact that Islamic nations have the highest proportion of heart disease. Scientifically we also know that anger is the biggest predictor of heart disease. The quatrains that we shared included the following words.

'Old flame of anger unappeased'
'To run in France, this as of oracles' .

This as of oracles means like the prophet of Islam. Nostradamus usually referred to Islam's prophet as an oracle not a prophet.

'To run' can also relate to the Olympic Year.

Mentions the holy temples that are polluted and in the Christ teachings the body is the temple. It also mentions Toulouse.

It mentions 'Saturn' and 'three' and 'cycles'. The man that carried out the murder was riding a cycle and this is the third month. The planet Saturn is also to do with the teacher, the spiritual law and karma.

It mentions April and May, people of new leaven.

How much more can the Jewish people take before they will accept the LORD's Harp of Faithfulness and do the will of the LORD? 
May the people that have died rest in peace. 


Eliakim said...

Two men have been arrested and it is as I knew it would be. When I am on the edge of my seat I know something like this is going to happen, and it is not easy to live with what I know. It especially brings sadness to my heart when there is innocent children involved.

Eliakim said...

We are also in the third Saturn transit.