Monday 12 March 2012

Gay EXILES Gathered

There has been a 5.6 earthquake at Kashmir where some say the tomb of Jesus Christ is, it happened on the 12th of March and that was the 'Day of  Vision'. Earlier this year I did tell the people that it is the 'Time of the EXILE'. 

Isaiah 56 is about the exile and the salvation for others. It speaks of the revealing of his righteousness and it aligns with Hosea 8 when it tells the people that he would plant HER in Jezreel. He certainly did that in May 2006. His Harp of Faithfulness is here.

Isaiah 56 also speaks to the gay people and tells them not to say 'I am only a dry tree'. The LORD tells them to do what pleases him and hold fast to the covenant. It predicted that they would be given a name, an everlasting name. He will gather the exiles of Israel, as we know the name 'Israel' means 'struggle with god' and the most influential text on that struggle with power is the Hindu Gita. It truly is a wonderful text when Krishna speaks. Krishna is also about energy and its correspondence, just like the word 'el' is about energetic power. The power of the Holy Spirit is mighty indeed.

Isaiah 56 mentions the shepherds of Israel that lack understanding and go their own way. The religious leaders will indeed be cut off in this timeline exactly as Prophet Zechariah predicted. The prophecy tells you that the 'worthless shepherds' that have no 'favor or union' with the LORD will be cut off. Isaiah 56 tells you that 'those dogs sought their own gain.'  That includes Indian guru's and other spiritual leaders, Sai Baba being a perfect example of that. I never could understand what all the fuss was about over India and its spirituality. All nations have some good spiritual philosophy and also some weeds that can strangle and cover the beautiful flowers. 

In the prophecies of Jesus Christ, the weeds were also called 'bad fish' that will be thrown away in this timeline. Why? Bad fish is not healthy for you and the consciousness of the nations. Jesus knew that when this came to be, there would be gnashing of teeth by those that did not wish to accept it. You know that the Son of God  accepts you and he told others to do so as well. 

However, the purpose of this post is to speak to the gay community of exiles that shall be gathered. The LORD is asking me to speak 'Candidly' to you as I write this. In Rev 14 it is clear that the gay community are mentioned, because it mentions the people  that do not go with women, they have remained virgins. 

The 144,000 that can hear the new song. That chapter also speaks of the spiritual elders and two lambs, and a lamb is symbolic of the gentle and tender hearted. 

As we know there is no temple in New Jerusalem, the new holy city of enlightenment. Jesus also predicted that in the last days of the end times the people shall not marry because they will be like the angels in heaven. The Angels of elohiym, his blessed healers. 

However, the LORD God and his Son, reserve the right for you to marry if you so wish. Although we do draw a line in the sand as far as bringing children into a same sex-marriage. Children deserve the right to be with two loving parents that co-created them. If adopted, they deserve to have both a man and a woman as role models. However, there is no reason why the children cannot live in the community of blessed souls that honor their own spiritual growth and journey. 

A community of understanding, with no indoctrination of belief systems or ideologies. Allowing the children to grow naturally and organically. In my experience, children naturally understand the difference between a person that is gay and a person that is not. Especially, when gay people are welcomed by their parents as friends and colleagues. So there is no requirement for indoctrination in schools of children to do with gay rights, your human rights are not determined by you, they are determined by the LORD God himself in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of creation. 

The LORD also said 'No school, schools out'. The LORD God and his Son, do not approve of children being indoctrinated in any shape or form. However, he does encourage us to help the children to access their natural talents and skills, and parents know the natural talents of their own children better than anyone,  they are of their flesh and blood. The natural talents of a child can be ascertained by the age of seven, they show us what they like very early on. 

I will give you an example, a child that I was called to examine psychologically, loved to do car mechanics with the one he called his dad. He was his step-parent. It was clear that the child was mechanically orientated, although he also understood the power of energy and how it works naturally. Another child liked to look after his pets and to grow food, he is planning to do an ecology degree. 

So come blessed ones, and do what is right. In addition to the gay community, the LORD is also gathering what is termed as the 'outcasts' in the scripture and his will shall be done. Woe betide anyone that tries to stand in his way. 


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