Monday 26 March 2012

Aberdeen-ELGIN Major Gas Leak

There is an announcement of a major gas leak at a Total production platform in the North Sea. There has been an emergency evacuation of 240 staff from the Elgin platform 2420km east of Aberdeen on Sunday. 

It just happens to happen, when there is another major scandal to do with Cameron on the front pages of the British press, the oil tanker drivers are planning to go on strike, and Scotland are planing a breakaway. The timing of this is so obvious, you know what I can smell a lot of gas from the politicians. 

240, 24 is to do with the spiritual elders in the book of Revelation. No coincidence then that there is a place in Scotland with the name of the platform. It was one of Scotland's first royal burghs, the burghal charter was given by David 1 in 1136. [1] There is also a city in the USA with the same name, northeast Illinois on the Fox River west-northwest of Chicago. As we know Chicago also has a stock exchange and my Son's uncle worked there before he was born over 30 years ago.  His name was also David. 

In October, 2011 we made a post that mentioned Scotland and the North Sea. Not the first I might add. Although I do feel that the post made on the 16th of October does relate to this event. Here are a few sections from the original post. [2]


When I woke up today the LORD said 'An TAY'.

'Ante' means 'Before' or 'Preceding'. There is also a term 'ex-ante' and it means 'Before the event'. It can also mean 'Prior to in time', and 'In front of in space'. In other words the LORD gives us information on events to help us.

It can also mean to raise the stakes, or increase the risk. In the Zechariah prophecy the man put a talent of lead over the mouth of the vessel. To stop it from speaking because he could see the risk that was involved in respect of his own belief systems. In which, he had invested his whole life to it. In addition, a huge amount of Americans had invested in the status quo.

The word TAY can also be found in Hebrew.

"Yet, we see within the pages of Torah through Gematria that Hashem offered reassurance twenty-two different times to the eight survivors. We observed this through the word Ha Tay Vaw, meaning "the ark" which in actuality represents 'YOUR SAFETY / YOUR SURVIVAL." Ha Tay Vaw occurs twenty-two times in twenty-one verses. There is only one additional reference to Ha Tay Vaw in the entire Bible. It is the reference to Moshe being placed in an ark to save his life. The Gematria of 22 expresses Hashem's feelings towards the residents within Ha Tay Vah.. the ark of security/ safety." [3]

There is also a River TAY in Scotland that leads to the North Sea and as we know BP have just won a 4 billion pound contract to drill in the North Sea for oil. Humanity should not be drilling at this time of tectonic plates shifting. 

I hope the people in Aberdeen are well prepared and have their gas masks just in case they are not able to contain this leak. In November 2011, I was given a vision of a gas mask, and that post also mentions a gas leak in France that took place in 1966. The refinery, Feyzin is also owned by Total now, although it wasn't at the time, and it was the largest disaster of its kind in Western Europe. In the different visions I was given there was also porridge, and Scotland is famous for its Scots porridge oats. 

On the 21st of February 2012, I received a vision of David Cameron getting on a Euro train and going to France. As we know, TOTAL is a French company. On the 29th of February, I could smell and taste sickness and if the gas gets to the people they will certainly feel that way. 

On the 21st of March, I received another vision of Cameron and he was not happy about what he was being told. In the explanation about the vision, I also included these words 'protect occupants from the elements'. 

Also today I received an PM asking me to be friends with a person that uses the avatar name handsomemoses. No coincidence then that Moses was mentioned in that original post. 

Forewarned is forearmed or to put it another way, better to be safe than sorry. 


1 comment:

Eliakim said...


Notice the H for where the helicopters land and that I saw the Chet recently in a vision with a cross coming down into it.

BBC state that it is 240km from Aberdeen. They have also removed people from a nearby platform as well. They say it could be weeks before the leak is stopped.