Saturday 31 March 2012

The Inhumane Banned

All that is inhumane must be banned from every culture and nation. In the last decade we have heard a lot about Islam and how compassionate and merciful it is. Well you can judge a religion, culture and nation on how well they treat their animals. I have always had compassion and mercy for animals, and have rescued a few in my time from rescue homes. The land of Joseph is known as an animal loving country, and is usually humane to animals as well. However, when Islam arrived in this land of Joseph, it brought shame upon this land when it brought its inhumanity with it.

The difference between Judeo-Christian philosophy and Islamic philosophy is huge. The Jewish prophets told the people to talk to the animals and to learn from them. To understand their signs and their messages.

Most people in Western nations are not aware that they are eating meat that has been slaughtered in an inhumane way, and as a nation we should not allow it to continue. It should be banned completely from our soil, and driven from our land. For the LORD God asked for mercy not sacrifice.

There is a saying that you can tell how humane a society is, by how they treat their animals. Well this is how Islam treat animals, they skin them alive. The images are graphic and I highly recommend that you view it and always remember it. For the LORD God warned the people about eating meat with hooves three times since 2008, and Islam has blood on its hands. Not only by slaughtering animals in this way, but by murdering doctors in Bahrain that were helping protestors. Islamic Doctors also now stand trial for being compassionate and merciful people.

AUSTRALIAN Muslim Halal Certification company owner laughs, “You are eating halal day and night,” and paying a premium for it (jizzya?). “All the anti-halal protesting is water off a duck’s back, it actually increases my business and I’m a millionaire.”

And people wonder why food prices have soared in the last decade. Now you know. 

There are some that are laughing at the Westerners because you are paying for your own cultural genocide and demise. However, as the LORD God said to the Liberals 'They will be laughing on the other sides of their faces'. 'If Muslims do not join the human race, then they will get left out in the cold'. 

Muslims have had 1,400 years to make their laws humane, and they did not do so. Now they will pay the price for being inhumane, and allowing it to continue for generations. If Muslims wish to eat food prepared in an inhumane way, then they can go to an inhumane Islamic country to eat it. 

Or they can choose to return to sanity, and humanity and all that is sacred. As the Son of God said to the orthodox 'Trample your garments of pride under your feet' because he knew that pride always comes before the fall. 

Islamic pride has been paraded in the streets of Western nations, and their pride is no different to the gay pride marches in the eyes of the LORD God and his Messenger of the Covenant. 

His Son also said "If women were meant to cover their heads they would have been born with a foreskin'. Profound words, because he also stands against circumcision, another inhumane activity carried out by the orthodox. Did you know that when you cut the skin of a child, it mutates their genetics? That then impacts on future generations. 

Mutated genetics also creates skin disease, allergies and a lot more. In effect, the orthodox of the world are co-creating diseases for the children of the world, not just now but in the future. It will take at least 3-4 generations of people being uncut before the genetics will right itself once more. Teshuvah humanity, teshuvah. 

As such this is not just about cruelty to animals, it is about cruelty to the unborn child as well.

As the LORD God said 'No compromise', 'The King is not allowing'. 

So it is time to ban all that is inhumane from your nations and cultures. If you do not do so, then you cannot return this planet to harmonic balance. 



Eliakim said...

Acts 21:25
As for the Gentile believers, we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality.”

Eliakim said...

Rev 2 also mentions Jezebel 'eating of foods sacrificed to idols'. Jezebel is also to do with the USA, she was Elizabeth Claire Prophet. That means that this has been going on in the USA.