Wednesday 21 March 2012

4th Beast Mitt Romney?

As you know in Revelation chapter 13 it mentions the 3rd and 4th beast. It has been proven that the Obama is the 3rd beast and wisdom's attention is being taken again to Mitt the Mormon. As you know wisdom was called to do the count. I counted the 3rd and I shall count the 4th to put an end to their plans if the people support what I am sharing with you.

In the book of Daniel it describes that what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. Daniel 4:33

This means that Mitt the Mormon was drenched in the purple dew of purification while he was a baby, as his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle. Hair is to do with strength and is symbolic of the strength of Samson who was part of a particular sect. Like the Mormons are a sect.

The 'feathers of an eagle' also relate to the American Indian warriors and an American Indian said recently that 'America is a warrior without an enemy, and that is why it is dying'. As such the babe in Christ became a fighter, a man that supported the American military. The American military is the largest employer in the world and has the largest military in the world. Mitt the Mormon does not intend to reduce the military spending but to increase it.

'He has nails like the claws of a bird' and we all know about the claws of the eagle, the predator that picks up the goat and or lamb, and throws it over the cliff to kill it, before it devours it. The eagle is also a symbol that is symbolic of the USA.

In Daniel chapter 7 it mentions the meaning of the 4th beast. The 4th beast is different from all the others and most terrifying, with its iron teeth and bronze claws-the beast crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. Daniel 7:19

Nostradmus also gave us a picture of a religious leader that is riding a beast and it looks like a bull with claws. He has a sword in his hand and he is pointing at what looks like a boar.

Plate 38 

In the Nostradamus prophecies the boar meets the Leopard on the battlefield in the 3rd month. March is the third month. Ron Paul was born in the Chinese Year of the Boar and so was Mitt the Mormon. Paul can also be symbolic of those that follow him and some have called them the Paulites.

Now there is also a bull in claws and it relates to Denver and Denver Stock trading. Look at the golden bull, it looks just like those that are found in Mormon temples. [2] As we know, Mitt is a corporate man backed by the money and the traders. Like all of the rich and wealthy, he has numerous homes in numerous places and his wife drives two different cars. No surprise then that he also came out of Harvard like Obama after doing a law degree. They certainly did a lot of recruiting there didn't they? As I am writing this I can smell smoke, Harvard is going to burn.

His mother was native of Logan, Utah and that is Indian country. If you look up logan, there is a bald eagle, at Willow Park Zoo there. His Father came from a Mormon colony in Chihuahua, Mexico. Another indigenous land. However, his profile claims that he has German and Scottish ancestry. 

Trial of Moses, Sistine Chapel, 1481-1482

Now what is even more bizarre is that Botticelli made a painting called 'Trials of Moses' and she is carrying a chihuahua. In recent weeks a chihuahua also won the 'ugliest dog' competition in the USA. 

While Mitt was at Harvard, his Father was serving with Richard Nixon and we all remember 'watergate'. George W. Romney was the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Well he didn't make a very good job of that did he? 

In 1968, he was involved in a car accident and one of the passengers in Mitt's care died in France. His profile also shares with you that in that era the LDS Church denied African Americans full membership to its sect. He then became a management consultant and the rest is history. He has tithed millions to the sect that he was born into; instead of giving it directly to the poor and those that truly followed the Spirit. Mitt Romney is another American Pharisee and as we know Jesus turned the tables over on them. You know what he said 'a rich man cannot enter the kingdom of heaven'.



1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Levi O'Brien Jesus Camp Chihuahua Dogs