Monday 5 March 2012

St John Maletta Crucifixion

On the first of March there was the fireball over St Johns in the USA. [1]Today, I have been sent a video of Sammie Maletta, from St John, Indiana and it clearly outlines the kind of deals that Obama has been doing with religious leaders.

Remember the parable of the Virgins? The Wise Virgins -v- the Foolish ones? Well here you go, in this timeline of the cutting off of the shepherds that are mentioned in the Zechariah prophecies.

Seriously, would the Son of God be doing a deal with Obama? No. Sammie Maletta also mentions the business of the Church. When exactly, did the Church first become open about the fact that it was a business? Do businessmen and women wear the collar? As we say in the UK, it could only happen in America.

Maletta represents the Catholic Church, and as we know the Pope, its Cardinals, Bishops and Pastors have no jurisdiction over the people and or what is appropriate for the people in this timeline. That's another reason why the biblical prophecies predicted that they are being cut off. Peter denied Jesus three times, as such Rome has no authority from the heavenly Father or his Son.

Jesus would say the same to Maletta as he said to the Jewish priests, trample your garments under your feet. However, what he did say to me many years ago. "When the crucifix is removed from earth, so will the pain and suffering be removed from earth'. From Sacred Words.

People have been worshipping pain and suffering, it is embedded in their consciousness. Just like the people worshipped Obama. Obama became a symbol of freedom from slavery, when in fact, he was the one that enslaved his people with trillions of debt. Not much as changed in Islam as it. In addition the African tribesmen and Arabs were the biggest slave traders of all. Traders in souls, breeders of children for sale to the highest bidder. Hence, why UNICEF are doing their utmost to combat it.

The Son of God would stand against Obama, not with him. Exactly, as Breitbart did. However, for far too long, the Church has been happy to work with what the bible calls the 'elemental forces', because it suited their purpose of control of the people. It kept the men in their jobs, jobs provided to them by the Roman corporation.

The Church worked hand in hand with the state and governments that embedded the systems that keep the people in the state of poverty in the first place. As such, the Church is part of the machine, and that is why you can identify them by the collar that they wear. In England its called the 'Dog's collar', if a person wears a dog's collar, you can be sure that there is someone on the end of the lead, taking the dog for a walk.

Could you even imagine the Son of God wearing such a thing? Of course not. Only those that are part of the system would wear such a thing to work, and that is what it is, a job of work. Its simply a corporation wearing a different hat and that is why St Francis of Assisi shamed the Pope in his day as well.

Apparently, this speech is called an 'Homily'. As we know the Church is going through its very own crucifixion initiation as well. Obama is not on his own, all the religions have their own cross, and they shall all be purified. The word religion does not exist in biblical Hebrew and the original word for Church meant community like a spiritual commune, not religious buildings for worship.

Teshuvah Maletta, Teshuvah St Johns.

ELIAKIM is here with the key of David.

After I wrote that I saw blue lights on my right hand, and that reminded me of Mother Mary, so I know that she approves of what has been written on this post



1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Now a shooting in St Johns. The USA is certainly a country with major issues. With shootings like this that appear in the news every week.