Wednesday 21 March 2012

Pharisee Richard Rives

World Net Daily have featured an exclusive from a man with the name of Richard Rives, and Jesus warned his followers about those that would come in their in own name. Why did he do that? He knew that the one that he chose to help his true followers would receive a new name, a divine name and it is written in the book of Revelation that this would come to be.

In the Zechariah prophecies it also predicted that the 'worthless shepherds' those that have 'no favor or union' with the LORD would be 'cut off' in this timeline. 

The article that has been published on the internet is called 'God's Law Cannot Be 'Graced' Over. It certainly cannot, not by Richard Rives or anyone else that comes in their own name. 

Richard begins with the passage from the KJV translation the 'Carnal mind is enmity against God' and as we know it is from the book of Romans and was delivered by Paul who did his utmost to be the paraclete that Jesus predicted would come for his followers. [1] 

"Because the carnal mind is enmity against Godfor it is not subject to the law of Godneither indeed can be." Rom 8:7. 

To understand the carnal mind you have to understand the difference between Richard Rives and one that is given a new divine name. You also have to ask exactly what law is that passage speaking about? Did Jeremiah not tell you that the the LORD our God would put the law into your hearts? The spiritual law is part of your being, and the heart is an indicator because it is the seat of intelligence. Intelligence is different from the intellect. Just like the flesh is different to the Spirit. It is the difference between the orthodox and the spiritual. The orthodox is a fixed mindset as such it is carnal, because it is of the flesh and not of the Spirit. 

Jesus rebuked the Apostles for not understanding his poetic spirituality and its meaning. He said to them 'Did you not know that I was not speaking about bread?'. In other words he was not speaking about the bread that you eat, he was speaking about the manna from heaven. He was not speaking about what he read in a text, he was speaking to them from the Spirit. 

Romans chapter 8 defines it further, that there are some that walk after the flesh and some that walk after the Spirit. It speaks of the Spirit of Life; and it condemns the law that does not assist people to avoid sin and death. 'For the carnally minded is death and to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 

As you see we are talking about complete opposites.' Richard Rives lives in a nation that is the highest employer on the planet, with the highest population of military personnel. That is a culture of the carnal that walks in the way of the flesh and not in the way of the Spirit. The same can be said about most political leaders and that is why the bible refers to them as 'elemental forces' because they are forces of human nature and not forces of the divine Spirit. Political leaders do not know how to give you life, they do not how to make peace with the self and each other, they do not know how stop the people from tasting disease. The corporations create pharmaceutical drugs that make people into zombies and the American Church did nothing to stop it. 20 million children are hooked on pharmaceutical drugs. 

Did that happen in Egypt where the Coptic Church resides? Or is it only in the nations that followed what the Vatican chose to give to the people as far as the texts are concerned? Isn't Israel a large pharmaceutical manufacturer? Isn't it the land from whence the Pharisee came, those that decided what the people should have access to and what they would not? 

Isn't it the case that the LORD God chose to bury the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Coptic Nag Hammadhi Library to outwit the Pharisees and Rome? 

Those that walk in the way of the Spirit do not taste death, and many American Christians do taste death. Those that walk in the way of the Spirit have made peace with the self and as such they live in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of their own being. Those that do, know that the mind is in every cell of the body and every cell has a mind of its own. Another difference between those that are carnal and those that are not. 

Romans chapter 8 finishes with being filled with the Spirit, and it mentions the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ. How can a person be filled with the Spirit of the anointed if they have not been born again? It is written that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about that. As we know Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jewish people. Jesus speaks about the difference of those that were born of the flesh, and those that were born of the Spirit. 

Jesus said "Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?  And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." John 3 10-13 

Here Jesus is rebuking the Pharisee, and he is mocking Nicodemus for not having become a master. He speaks of his divine testimony and what he has seen with his eyes open. What he knows to be true because he has witnessed it. The word 'gnosis' is to do with knowing and knowing comes from the heart. Jesus once said to me 'It feels like you cannot see what is ahead of thee, but in your heart you know' 'from Sacred Words

Has Richard Rives ascended up to heaven and come down from heaven like Jesus? Or is he like the Pharisee that Jesus rebuked? Can he share with you the teachings of ascension and how that reality comes to be? The Son of man is in heaven because the Son of man is a term of endearment for a prophet. That is why both Daniel and Ezekiel are also called Son of man. Biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar also agree that when Jesus was talking about the Son of man to come, he was not speaking of himself. This is also confirmed in the Gospel of Peace and by the renowned Dead Sea Scrolls scholar, Geza Vermes. 

You can come to your own conclusions whether Richard Rives is filled with the Spirit or not. He speaks of the discernment of Spirits and testing them. However, how can he test them if he hasn't seen different Spirits to discern between them? How can he do so unless he has had the extensive spiritual experience and trained others to do so? He cannot. He is no different to Nicodemus that has not become a master of spiritual realities. Yet he has the audacity to speak to the people about the ten commandments when Romans chapter 8 is beyond it. 

Jesus also predicted that when I came that I would prove the world wrong about sin, judgement and righteousness. John 16 8-9. He told you that when the comforter came they would testify for him and they would be sent by the Father.  John 15:26 He told you that you would be guided to all truth. John 16:13 It also tells you that the person has been with him from the very beginning. 

In the book of Matthew it tells you that there is only one that is saved in this timeline and they must give their testimony to the nations, only then will the end come.

The old testament also tells you that the tribes of Joseph are saved in his timeline, Moses asked for the blessing of the burning bush to be given to the tribe of Joseph. In other words the one promised to Moses for his people would come from that tribe. 

Teshuvah Richard Rives, teshuvah world net daily. 


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