Monday 5 March 2012

Obama Crucifixion

In 2009, one of the last visions that I was being given of Obama, (and shared at that time) he was on a cross being crucified. He was being crucified with the truth. I saw a video on Obama yesterday on Breitbart, where he had likened himself to Mandela and Gandhi as well. I still remember Obama's after dinner joke, about not being born in a manger.

Obama allowed the Nation of Islam to call him the Messiah, now he pays the price for doing so. As we know, Obama is featured in the book of Revelation chapter 13, and it states that he was only given power for 42 months. That 42 months is up in June 2012.

I did predict that Obama would be a celebrity president, and Jesse Jackson is calling him the 'Food Stamp President', he didn't give them jobs, he gave the poor food stamps instead, he took the money from the rest. Exactly, as Prophet Isaiah predicted that the Chief Officer would do. While the people are living on food stamps, its reported that Michelle Obama has enjoyed 17 vacations. Its a great job being the first lady in the White House, isn't it?

How about giving the poor some land, some seeds and let them grow their own food? How about funding a poor community to build their own fish farm? Oh no, real solutions is not what Obama is about.


Andrew Breitbart promised that his newswire would do what the Liberal left, mainstream media had not done.

So now it begins with the first article released today. The article was written by Andrew last week, before Andrew died.  It is called, 'The Vetting, Part 1: Barack's Love Song to Alinksy. [1] Please see the link below.

In addition, to the Breitbart Vetting, there is also the matter of the police involvement and investigation of the birth certificate. As we predicted, it will all come out in the wash.

Its official, Obama is an illegal president.

I will update this post if there is anything interesting to add. However, the rigged voting machines in the USA, is another bone of contention that has vast implications for truth, liberty and social justice.



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