Thursday 15 March 2012

Science Menopause

Well it is good to see that 'Science is finally catching up to the reality that women don't suddenly go from their reproductive prime to become infertile. There is this whole transition period that last years. It's more complicated than people have realised. The latest findings are in line with results from a previous study that Dr Weber did with Dr Mark Mapstone, associate professor Neurology. There really is something going on in the brain of a woman at this stage in her life,' Dr Mapstone said'. [1]

One can view it in similar terms to puberty in reverse. During puberty women are changing and growing at a rapid rate, at times so rapid it is hard for young girls to understand why they feel like they do. In menopause a reversal is happening, and the best way to explain it is as a complete slowing down.

Even if you're active physically and mentally, you still find that your memory and concentration isn't has sharp as it used to be. More rest is required, and also eating little and more often. In some cases it can be extreme, and it can impair functionality that impacts on daily routine.

At this time of life; women are going through huge psychological, physical and energetic change. Yet, governments treat a woman in her 50's the same as women in her 20's. No allowances are made by governments or its sub-contractors, and I predict that this will be forced to change. The more that the scientists truly understand the power of what is going on with women during their menopause. Life and the way that people live it, will have to change.

Peace and rest is essential during the menopause in addition to harmony. It is not the time for a woman to be in a stressful work situation, or it can trigger other more serious health conditions. The government and the medical profession tend to treat every single person the same. However, every individual is unique. Woman were not meant to be working the way that they do during the menopause, they are meant to be slowing down, relaxing, and being with their grandchildren.

All of the processes of the human body are aligned with the spiritual law. All has a reason and purpose for being, and its important that humanity come to understand it. You are not machines to be put to work like robots until you drop.  I remember when my own mother started her change, she would take a rest for a few hours in the afternoon, and she would take her grandson with her for his afternoon rest.

Children also used to have their afternoon nap and it stops them from becoming tired and irritable. Unfortunately, with many children, mind altering drugs have replaced their grandmothers love, discipline, and the rest that their bodies require. The fabric of the human family, has been dislocated due to women being forced to work to survive. The high cost of living has a detrimental impact on the processes of the human body, and true family values.

The same with women, instead of allowing women to go through the natural processes, and what they are being shown to learn from it, women are put on HRT instead. I was warning women about taking HRT two decades ago, and warned them against taking it.



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