Friday, 16 March 2012

Kristiane Backer Islamic-German Evangelical

In December we wrote about the 'Tug of War' in the Church that the LORD spoke about. [1] Today, the Archbishop of Canterbury who did not stand up against Islam has resigned after being an Archbishop and Bishop for 20 years. As we know 20 is the number of judgement and the judgement began in 2010 when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel.

A dead whale also turned up on the East coast recently, and I did say that signified judgement upon the UK. [3] That came at the same time as the biblical plague upon the lambs throughout the UK.  The mourning and weeping by the farmers was predicted in Amos 5. 

Following that there has a been a bus crash in Trinity Street, Coventry, and a pile up of trucks on the M1 in the heavy fog.

This post is to follow up on the exposure of the German-Islamic agent story about Murad Wilfried Hoffman and his associates. The Germans call the man a 'rat' and the biblical prophecies call him a 'snake'. The biblical prophecies did predict that the 'snakes would be found in the palaces'. However, in 2008 we did share with you about the cultural genocide and who was co-creating it. 

After the LORD gave me the name Wilfrie, I watched part one of a TV program called 'A Rational Faith' and he was being interviewed by TV presenter Kristiane Backer. Remember the article that we shared with you where he talks about Islam being a 'Universal religion from its inception' e.g. its intentions and the 'globalization' of it. He claimed that India was an Islamic country when it is not, and why not Denmark and Portugal?


Now Kristiane Backer is a convert to Islam and she is a former presenter of MTV Europe. She has taken a leading role with a public relations campaign for Islam in Europe. Remember the other day, we wrote about Tim Bell and the exposure of the repackaging of repressive regimes by British PR companies. 

It is no surprise to find the business strategy of enlisting pretty faces to expound the good virtue of a political ideology to expand its customer base. We all know how good TV presenters are at doing their job, and how they have been used by regimes to defeat nations since its invention. Hence why many celebrities supported Obama. 

So who is Kristiane Backer? She is another German and Germany did their utmost to eliminate the Jewish people by every and any means possible. In 2009, she hosted an inter-faith program 'Matters of Faith for an international channel Ebru TV. She also hosts European business presentations, conferences, galas and award ceremonies.

In the past we shared with that at an international inter-faith conference, a Muslim cleric stated that the only reason that Muslims dialog with other faiths is to convert them to Islam. As you can imagine, the Jewish participants at that event did not enjoy their lunch. 

Kirstianne met the cricketer Imran Khan in London in 1992, and her profile states that she converted to Islam due to his influence upon her. In 2006, she married a Moroccan television journalist Rachid Jaffar and they divorced in 2008. That was a short marriage, remember the other German, Wilfreid Hoffman also worked in morocco.

Before I begin the next part of this post, I also have had Muslim friends in my life. However, there was not a single aspect of their religion that could have any influence over me. Why? I know the true Christ teachings and how little Muslims know about the truth. Muslims were sent to me for help, not the other way around. The fact is that Islam denies the Son of God, and that the heavenly Father had a Son. That is because the prophet of Islam did not become a Son of God, as such he did not have the information to convey.

In addition, the LORD God chose to bury truth until the 20th century for his divine purpose. The Dead Seas Scrolls speak of the Sons of God that Islam does not accept. As such, the bible describes Islam as anti-christ because they deny all that is sacred and true. At the same time they deny their own spiritual inheritance. How many Muslims actually know that? 

Let us continue with Kristiane Backer and the dialog that she is currently engaged in; promoting Islam and being an Islamic evangelical in this land of Joseph.

The Big Questions Part 1

Kristiane claims Jesus and Moses were prophets of Islam. 

NO they were not. Islam did not exist in the time of Jesus and Moses. 

Kristiane states that Islam 'needs PR'. 'Overshadowing the media discourse'. 

Well we know that Islam is doing its utmost to overshadow the media discourse, that is self-evident by the sheer amount of TV programs and films that are continually being aired on British television and cable TV. However, I have not heard about a single TV program that has looked at the credibility and the truth about Islam's oracle. Now that would be explosive because the credibility of Islam stands or falls on the credibility of its prophet's fulfillment of the biblical prophecies. 

The fact is that the prophet of Islam did not meet the extensive criteria for a prophet of God, nor did he fulfill the biblical prophecies, nor did he walk upon the land of Israel, or arrive in the predicted timeline for the Messenger of the Covenant. The people that really know their Judeo-Christian prophecies have got Islam sussed. 

How would Kristiane feel to know that Jesus warned his followers about Islam in great detail? He warned the people about the Sharia councils, the floggings, the beheadings. He warned us about the arrests that would take place. He knew full well that there would be politically charged arrests of the activists that stood against Islam in his name. He also warned us about those that betray their own souls for money, and that is why he warned his followers that you have to choose between money and God. You cannot have two masters. Do you know why Arab Christians have been fleeing the Middle East for decades? It was due to what they witnessed there against their own people. 

How would Kristiane feel to know that the Jewish prophets spoke about the herald that would come at the appointed time. That the herald would tell you that shame and disgrace will cover the glory of the Muslims? 

How would Kristiane feel to know that Jesus Christ stands against Islam and any other doctrines that take people into the captivity of a religion? Captivity that is used by men for their purpose of control of the people.  Jesus Christ predicted that in the last days of the end times the truth will set them free; and all that had been hidden would come into the light of day. 

Jesus Christ predicted that the religious buildings would come down in the last days of the end times and that they would burn in the flames. He also stated that the Angels are the harvesters, not those that are in the captivity of religion. Micah 4 tells the people that they can worship their own  'god's in this timeline, and we will stay true to our LORD God. 

It also tells you that daughter ZION will thresh in this timeline. We sure are doing that, threshing belief systems and ideologies that are not compatible with having a healthy consciousness. 

In Islam they have a tenet where they are allowed to 'lie to benefit their religion'. In the teachings of Jesus it is the opposite, integrity is essential. That is why he told you that the Spirit of Truth would come in this timeline. The paraclete that he promised would come is indeed here. 

Kristiane said "We should not judge Islam by Muslims'. 

Well the teachings of Jesus Christ are the opposite. His brother James shared the following: 

"Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless." James 1:26 

Try telling Muslims the truth and see how they respond. The bible also speaks about how the world would be 'deceived' in this timeline and in the Aramaic text; it states the 'deception' will go as far afield as Mongolia and China. 


In addition, this is the time of the judgement of this generation, has predicted by Jesus himself. He told you that it would begin when the sign of Jonah turned up. Well the whale turned up in Israel in 2010, and the Queen of the South began the next part of her work to judge you Kristiane Backer. 

In March 2009, the LORD God said that it was the time to 'kill the germs'. In recent days he asked for the 'detol' and that is a disinfectant that can kill the cells if you put it onto an open wound. So it is a good job that you have trained in healing Kristiane, that could be your only saving grace. Teshuvah, teshuvah Kristiane Backer. Do you know what it means? It means to return to the sacred and the sacred is beyond being part of Islam. That is why in the book of revelation Turkey is rebuked, and told to repent. That is why the wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet. 

Part 2

In part two of the program, an Englishman states that his 37 year old son converted to Islam and he the Islamic ideology, 'When he dies he will go to paradise' and a Muslim woman in the audience smiled.

Well the fact is that if you don't experience paradise when you live on this planet, you won't experience it when you leave it either. Only those that have taught their souls to fly divine, beyond religion understand what the pure land of paradise is and how to experience it.

Kristiane Backer, you shall not promote the Islamic religion with your foreign god in my land of Joseph. You shall not entice my people to be taken into the captivity of the Islamic religion.

Do you hear the Messenger of the Covenant loud and clear? You are being given one last chance to do so. You can keep your religion and captivity if you choose to do so. However, you shall not spread it like margerine because only butter is healthy for my people. You shall not repackage margerine and market it as butter either.




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