Thursday 16 April 2009

God said "The Cosmos is not a One Way Street"

Its interesting how many people talk about collaboration and working together. Yet, in many cases that we have encountered in the last decade; for most it is a one way street. They are happy to send you their information for distribution to your contacts. Yet, if you ask them to distribute important information; you discover it is a one way street and in reality not enough people are working together for a common and higher purpose. This is particularly true in the spiritual field, the one that you would think would be the most helpful is the least helpful in our experience. What does that say about humanity, its spiritual growth and heart of conscience? What does that tell you about selflessness, love, truth, equality and justice?

God said “The cosmos is not a one-way street”. It certainly isn’t !

Practical Collaboration - Love Foundation

When the spiritual leaders around the world start working together for a common and higher purpose that is beyond the self; humanity might then follow suit. When the spiritual leaders around the world start supporting those that have supported them, humanity will make bigger breakthroughs that will come sooner rather than later. I have spoken to people from all around the world and the spiritual community are disenchanted with the spiritual leaders that are only interested in self through the evidence of their own experience.

When people walk hand in hand, side by side in integrity, the light will consume the darkness wherever it may be found. No stone will be left unturned and the fields of consciousness will be truly ploughed. This is the time of ploughing the fields and pulling up and burning the weeds of falsehood and less goodness. One has to plough the fields before the new seeds can be planted otherwise all becomes polluted and the never ending karmic cycles continue.

The more that people love the more that they care. The more that people care the greater the deeds in action.

Thank God the world does not rely and depend on the spiritual community alone. A community that is largely still teaching people to seek outside of themselves for happiness. While people still seek happiness outside of themselves they do not move their energy into their heart centre of we give. While people stay in wants, needs and desires they do not rise up to the heart level of consciousness. It is only in the heart that we find the heart of conscience and moral compass that brings social justice to the world.

God bless all of the social visionaries from all walks of life that truly do live in their hearts and work together for a common purpose of transforming humanity and the way that we live on mother earth.

Filmed at the "Lawful Rebellion" Conference, The British Constitution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January 2009.

The Peoples United Community
The truth is simple, mankind make it complicated.

When people live in their hearts then we become one.


Jesus gave a new command to the spiritual body of humanity.

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."John 13:34

On the 28th August 2006 Abba said "You were asked to love your neighbours, your commitment is to the community as a whole not one individual; and this is the solution to world problems and individual ones. The balance of the power of love has been obscured to create chaos, suppress and oppress the divine feminine principles of love and compassion, as such unity through love as not been achieved to date on a global basis. You recognise that people are more passionate about holding onto their existing beliefs then changing them to achieve co-operation, freedom and joy."From the discourse on relationships in the sacred shrine.

Lauryn Hill Feat. Carlos Santana - To Zion

"Children are the supreme joy of human life" [1]

"I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells, I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Integrity, of Wisdom and of Peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One."

One in the heart of humanity and the dynamic sphere.


1. From Sacred Words
2. The Namaste Greeting

This posted at 316 = 316 is the sum of Support, Foundation.
Post 15 in April. 15 is the sum of 'love excessively'.
Post 141 in 2009. 141 is the sum of strong, brave, assembler, to gather, to restore.

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