Friday 15 May 2009

Divine Contractions - Birthing a New Reality

At dawn we were woken up by the experience of physical contractions in the womb of creation. Before we express the meaning of these contractions let us first look at the importance of the date being Friday 15th May 2009. Tomorrow Saturn turns direct after 4 months being retrograde. Saturn is the planet of limitation, karma and brings new understanding when people are prepared to seek within. When it is retrograde it is obviously more intensified and can create a very intense period in your life. The last four months of the Obama presidency have certainly been intense; what did you learn from it and what breakthroughs did you make? Did you react to the new flu or did you swim in harmony and fly beyond any self-inflicted responses? Did you feel self-pity for your situation and feel hemmed in by the financial impositions or did you come up with some creative solutions? Saturn now turning direct can be positive when people embrace the energies and facilitate it to their advantage in a positive way.

The 15th May also falls in the week of the Taurus III and it does bode well for action, adventure and fulfilling dreams. Having the courage to make a leap in faith into the unknown is not part of the Taurus psyche and this is a time to work on courage to face adversity and the challenges that humanity now face. They like things to be safe and sound, predictable and controllable. When people lost touch with the land they also lost touch with their own souls and with God. This is the time to get back in touch with the land and create a new adventure in the present that will impact on the future of the planet.

Of course it is an earth sign and its symbol is the Bull. We are also in the Chinese Year of the Earth Ox and those born in this birth sign will really begin to take action now. Taurus is also ruled by Venus known as a feminine sign and there comes the contradiction between the sheer power of the bull to charge ahead and the more sensitive side that hold it back in cautiousness. It is well known how a Bull can dig its heels in when things are not going their way. However, it can also withdraw into itself and not reveal the whole truth due to not wishing to harm another. If a person does not release the truth from their being then it can create all sorts of disease due to its co-creation of an energy blockage in the throat and heart. It is imperative that people express what they feel now and release any negative emotions that are stopping them from co-creation of a new birth and new beginning.



15th May 2009 = 1+5+5+2+9 = 22. 22 is the number of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet and it is also the vibration of the Holy Mother. May is also the anniversary of the month of the rising of divine feminine energies. 22 is also a Master number in numerology.

"On the 22nd May 2004 Divine Mother shifted the energy from the numerological master number 11 to master number 22 so that we can come into ‘unity consciousness’

Up to this point many had to go it alone in spiritual independence, people struggled and did not understand why some of their missions, projects and work had been blocked. In May 2004, the energy shifted big time, moving us forward to the next stage of ascension and the divine plan. To bring together the children of the world, caring, sharing in unity and harmony so that peace can reign. Sophia, the divine feminine wisdom of GOD, bringing forth the fullness of GOD’s creation uniting us together. The golden age is one of ‘Relationship’ relationship with the beloved self, and relationship with all others in unity consciousness. The Love Union. " [1]


"What does master number 22 bring forth: the master builder, large endeavours, powerful force, leaders, expansive, visionary, material master, government, bridge builder, alchemy, universal transformation, charity, angels of inspiration, creativity, genius, the trouble-shooter and the champion of the cause. The number 2 also represents unity, balance and harmony. Masculine and feminine energy in perfection uniting so that both hearts can beat as one in mutual understanding, and commitment to this divine union with GOD. Trade unions and the socialist movement originated to protect the underdog, now it is time for you to create the ‘Love Union’ for all souls in universal consciousness The feminine principle is paramount for the alignment of people of all cultures, so allow yourself to accept the omnipresence of who we truly are – Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane." [1]


Divine contractions happen in the womb of creation. When labour begins there is a rushing of waters known as the 'waters breaking' and the fluid is pink in colour another signal that the birth of a new reality is coming. It is also known as a rupture of the membranes.

Prophet Ezekiel spoke about rushing waters "I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory." Ezekiel 43:2 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.Revelation 19:6

"The holy mother is pushing the chicks out of the nest so that they can teach their souls to fly away from predators. "I hope that you will live to see the rising of the dawn". This aligns with Jesus Christ saying 'Christianity was never born it is still in the womb" and after the Iraq war began he and his mother said "There is a new dawn on the horizon, out of the darkness will come the light".

The Jewish sages are aware of the divine contractions and they have their own take on its meaning. They call it tzimtzum.

"Three stages of the secret of "contraction": the "removal" of God's Infinite Light; the "impression" that God "withdrew" from creation; the "ray" of Divine light radiated into the primordial darkness.

"Into the primordial darkness, the "night" of the vacuum created by the tzimtzum with the "point" of the reshimu therein (filling the vacuum with "potential" being), God radiated a ray of Divine light, the ray of "morning." The ray of "morning" is the revelation of God's immanence in creation. It gives to every created being, in accordance with each one's level of consciousness, the awareness that God is with him (wherever, and in whatever state of being, he is), continuously creating him anew, and that His Divine providence is always looking after him." 2

In ancient times the children of the dawn were those that had just begun their spiritual journey and the children of the light were those that were truly awakened to their mystical potentiality and oneness with God. So what do these divine contractions mean if a person has already become one with God and lives in the Kingdom of God?

Let us go back to the birth process and remember the birth of a new reality. The birth of a child that is a new life. After complete oneness with the mother the child is then released into the big wide world, although comforted by the mother while it learns to walk and talk in a way that is appropriate for humanity.


After our days in the desert receiving the manna from our heavenly Father, after the camping out in the fields of Babylon to help transform it then comes the next stage of co-creation and the divine contractions.

Living a monastic life is enjoyable to those that wish to sing their praises, pray to God or stay in the arms of God. However, God already knows what people require before they are consciously aware of what is ahead of them; although the perfect Spirit of the soul always knows. When one lives in the Kingdom of God does one stay in the arms of God like a man and woman sleeping together in each other's arms forever? No, because life is a love affair in all of its realities. Our love affair is not only with God but with life itself just like a mother has a love affair with her child.

So is God withdrawing his light from those that are now meant to move further into the outer world to help co-create a better one? No, one can walk in two worlds at the same time. One can take the love and light of God with you like we do in relationships; it is essential that you let the winds blow between you and that you retain your freedom even from God.

God knows he cannot hold onto you so tightly that you are disabled in fulfilling your divine purpose. He knows the time comes when he has to let you go. Let you go out, let you live life to the full and allow you to be the Holy Spirit that you were born to be. He knows that you will never leave him because you love him so much. This is the time when he now trusts you beyond measure with his heart, word and divine will. This is the time when the Holy Spirit moves forward into a different reality.

It is now time to create a new reality and let the new beginning come to be. This phase of evolution is like the divine child learning to walk all over again. It is now important that the Christ Vision of the Love Union learns to walk before it can run.

New Birth "Wildflower"

1. From the "Sacred Union of the Divine" Article; 2004.

This is post 9 in May and 9 is the number of completion and divine love. It is completion of a nine year cycle of the 'Sacred Union with the Divine' that began in 2000. It was in May 2000 that Eliakim was first told that she would receive a new vision and it was in 2004 that the Christ Vision of the Love Union was received.

9 is also Tet in the Hebrew alphabet and in the ancient pictographs it is a circle with a cross/crossed sticks within it. The circle represents the sphere and the cross in the ancient pictographs is a 'sign' and 'signature'. The sign in the sphere of God is the signature of God.

This is post 154 in 2009, 154 = Appointed. Father is Gatherer.

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