Thursday 13 August 2009


Another beautiful crop circle to follow Metatron's Cube. We have called this crop circle Clover Plate because it looks like a plate with clovers. This cross design can be found in many medieval churches up and down the country in England and it is usually a cut out shape in the architectural design of the building.

The Four leaved clover is supposed to be very lucky if you are lucky enough to find one. Each leaf represents something different. Hope, Faith, Love and Luck. The clover is also associated with St Patrick the patron Saint of Ireland.


There is a legend in Ireland called the "The Snake and how St. Patrick once stood on a hilltop (which is now called Croagh Patrick), and with only a wooden staff by his side, banished all the snakes from Ireland. In fact, the island nation was never home to any snakes. The "banishing of the snakes" was really a metaphor for the eradication of pagan ideology from Ireland and the triumph of Christianity. Within two hundred years of Patrick's arrival, Ireland was completely Christianized." [1] One could also say the same about America until the 20th century.

Touch a 4 Leaf Clover

There are two tracks to the plate, an outer track and an inner track and this is symbolic of our inner and exterior reality. The plate is also symbolic of our plate of consciousness on which divine impressions are made. In between the two realities there are 12 crosses and each cross as four dots surrounding it. On the circle we have 12 sections as well.

Outer Circle
12 Cross Clovers
12 Dots in-between
12 x 4 = 48

12+12+48 = 72

72 angels or intelligences or 72 Names of God. 72 is revered by many different cultures. 72 is also the value of the Hebrew word for "loving-kindness". Chesed = 72.


"Chesed is the first "day" of Creation. On it was created the goodly light of lovingkindness for all. The first day is called in the Torah "the day of one" (yom echad) (Genesis 1:5). The Divine consciousness of this day is that all of Creation is one as embraced, in love, by the Oneness of the Creator (echad, "one" = 13 = ahavah, "love").

Of this day is said: "Day[s] God commands His lovingkindness" (Psalms 42:9). The unique form of the word "day[s]," yomam, implies, in the words of the Zohar: "a day that accompanies all days." From this we learn that the first day, the day of lovingkindness, "accompanies" and radiates its light to all the other days of Creation. The Zohar speaks of 72 "bridges" of love (corresponding to the 72 hidden Names of God) that connect together, in perfect harmony, all of created reality. The spiritual state identified in Chassidut as corresponding to the sefirah of chesed is that of ahavah (love)."[3]

Reported 12th August, Oxfordshire. England.

Courtesy of Crop Circle Connector [4]

Inner Circle
12 circles
12 sections
1 Inner sphere

12+12+1 = 25 = HEY and in the ancient pictographs it is person holding their arms up to the heavens in awe of beholding a revelation from God. There is a great deal that could be said about all of the layers of number of 12 and its various computations. So we will concentrate on the overall reality of the plate and the message that it is here to convey because we have discussed number 12 in detail on other posts.

On the outer layer we have the four petalled flower cross and the four petals relate to the root or in biblical terms the gateway that is the route to the access of your being. A gateway to your dynamic consciousness. The root is about survival and it is the level of consciousness of "I WANT TO BE SAFE'. When people worry intensely this energy centre becomes blocked and this is one of the reasons why Jesus told people not to worry and not to be afraid. In the last couple of decades prostrate cancer has increased beyond measure due to men worrying about their financial situation and how they will support their families. It is important to remember that without your health you cannot provide for your families, so it is imperative that put your health and well-being at the top of the list above financial considerations. You will notice that when jobs for life went, uncertainty and prostrate cancer grew at an increasing rate.

This crop circle is showing the inner layer to be 24 layers before you get to the inner sanctum or to put it another way there are 12 gateways to enter before you get to the point of why you have gone there. Why 12 x 2? First the knowing of the root cause then the integration of the healing process. Once the experience is integrated it then becomes wisdom. When we are healing the self it is like peeling the layers from an onion. We peel from the outside in until we return to our purest divine essence of the source of who we truly are. The more that people heal the self the clearer their plate of consciousness becomes and now you understand why Jesus told his accusers to clean their plate! He was talking about consciousness.

When people are working on the outer layers they are interested in self healing and self empowerment for self at this point they are teaching their souls to fly like an Angel.


When people have got to the inner layers they are then focussed upon their healing process in a deep and dedicated way to benefit the divine and humanity because these people know that the power of healing impacts on group consciousness. The healing then becomes selfless and a good deed for humanity.

Healing is the sacred path home to God and your plate of consciousness is sacred, so be very careful what you place upon the plate of a child in more ways than one. This crop circle is a call to everyone although it is a special call to those that call themselves "Goths" to return to the sacred.

The Goth rock culture developed in the 1980's in the UK and the Goth sub-culture is a result. Many of these young ones wear black all of the time and are heavily into body piercing. Body piercing can be very harmful to the energetic system of the body. On healing training courses students have felt the energy blockages when scanning people who have body piercings especially when the piercing is on a meridan point. For instance an energy blockage was felt around the ear and also around the stomach, while we were discussing the scanning work with the students I noticed that he had a piercing on the stomach meridian and the person concerned admitted that he had been having stomach problems.

We also know from a Russian scientist that wearing black for any length of time is one of the causes of depression and depressed states. Hence, why many young ones turn to drugs to take them up and out of their state of being created by the piercing and colour being worn. Forewarned is forearmed, piercing can co-create long term health problems that does manifest at some point in your life.

There are also five spheres to the crop circle and crop circles are the music of the spheres. The five spheres also represent five dimensions and the 5th dimension is divine love. Divine love is also the food that feeds the soul. When a person intertwines unconditional love with compassionate action they then become divine love in manifestation on the earth plane.

If we add 72+25+2 tracks = 99 pieces to the crop circle and it is written that Abraham was 99 when he entered the covenant with God. The Jewish Rabbi also wrote that the first covenant was called the "Covenant of the Pieces". [5]. The crop circle was reported on the 12th August and this is the day of "Convention" another good play on words for Covenant and the covenant of Spiritual Independence for the children was delivered on the 9th of the 9th Month of the 9th Year.

May God bless it


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