Monday 31 August 2009


Children are not a commodity without love they become so. However, recent legislation has been passed to enable lesbians to have IVF fertility treatment.

The God given birth right of having children is given to one man with one woman in sacred love in the temple of God.

Children are not a commodity to be made in a test tube!




The Bishop of Rochester has spoke out against plans to make IVF readily available to single women and lesbians. New legislation due to be included in the Queen's Speech in November is likely to remove the baby's "need for a father" to be considered in IVF. Kent bishop Right Rev Michael Nazir-Ali led a group of churchmen who opposed the measure being included in the Human Tissues and Embryos Bill.

I witnessed two lesbians and a child at a party. The child was withdrawn and had obvious learning difficulties. While the female parents were happy cuddling each other; the child sat alone looking on. My heart went out to that child that looked forlorn.

I agree with the Bishop of Rochester children do require both men and women in their lives and children do suffer when they do not have a father or know who their real father is. As a single parent mother I understand what children go through as they are growing up without the Father at their side.

IVF for Gays is a transgression of the universal law and they will certainly reap what they sow. However, the saddest part of all it is that people are putting their own needs before the lives of children.

Needs in adulthood are due to unmet needs in childhood that have not been healed and every gay woman that I have ever met has had unhealed issues with the Mother figure. These issues are passed on down the generations. The mother impacts on relationships that children make in adulthood and the father impacts on career. Is it any wonder that the UK has so many people that have never worked when there is a lack of love and care being received by the children from their real fathers?

In every case of schizophrenia that I have looked at there has been a rejection or absence of the father, all of these children had turned to drugs early in their lives to escape the emptiness they felt inside.

The outcome of gays making test tube children will co-create more children with more unmet needs in childhood.

If you choose to be gay then that is your free choice, if you were born that way then that was your free will choice pre-incarnation. Please do not inflict your choices for self on babies and children.

What do you tell children about the birds and bees, will you tell them the truth that they were created in a test tube like a chemical drug of love. Will you tell them the truth that you purchased them like buying a product on a shelf to make you happy? Will you tell them the truth that you put your own happiness before the sacredness of the child? Will you tell them that love is a product and they are the outcome of that product? How will you teach these children that they are sacred when they were not created in a sacred way ordained by God?


Children are not a commodity, please STOP treating them as so.

Gay people make their bed and they have to lay in it. It is not the bed for children and children like to get into bed with their parents.

Justice will be done in the eyes of God.


Anonymous said...

As a gay man,I do not want a child and I also do not want to be gay as god and you should know we are a genetic mistake and I have had to live with this for 50 yrs now and I wish I had killed myself when I was 15 yrs old. Tell me Eliakim why is it you do not mention what the bible really says about gays. God made us and I can certainly tell you being gay is not my choice I have learned to live with this horrible "gift" and I cant wait for this wonderful life full of straight people telling us what to do including an ancient book written by an ancient people not written by God to be over with, and yes I have integrity and yes I have actually saved a life or 2 in the Coast Guard no one ever asked me what my sexual orientation was when they are in need of help but keep going you just made my day , and oh by the way when I had an experience with what I mis-understood for God he said "love the one your with" now why don't you ask yourself if that is what you are telling people and who gave you the authority to judge ? GOD! well than the God I had an experience with was not real and that speaks clearly about what kind of God would tell me one thing and give you the authority to judge others I just cant be a part of this world anymore... cgjames the last one.....

Eliakim said...

cg, I have spent years defending gay people and was doing the same again last night in the public domain. You would do well to check all our posts on gay people before jumping to conclusions cgjames.

The bible tells you that some are born like it and some are made like it by men. The scriptures are very clear on the fact.

Have I judged you cgjames? No.

Heal cgjames, heal as I keep asking you to do.