Friday 22 January 2010

Its Me Against The Machine

In the last post on this blog we mentioned how we resonated with the words of Senator Scott Brown when he said ' 'It is me against the machine" and  that is also a very powerful message for humanity at this time. It is also powerful for those that feel the same way, there was even a number one song in the UK at Christmas with the same theme. 

I like the fact that humanity are coming up with new words and terminology to replace old ones that are  more healthy for human consciousness. Some of the biblical terms like hell, sin, devil, demon and satan have done nothing to raise the consciousness of humanity. In fact some of the translations have polluted humanity with belief systems that truly are not worthy of an intelligent holistic culture, after all this is the 21st century for those that live in it! 

There are words in the new testament that warn people not to buy into man's traditions that pollute the fields of consciousness. Humanity were also warned about the last days and not allowing themselves to be taken into the captivity of belief. It reminds people that the only law worthy of humanity is the spiritual law that brings freedom from captivity. Prophet Isaiah also gave a warning about the NWO and the commandment from God was humanity must not make all the fields one. 

Now that brings us back to the machine and we can view it on many different levels in many different layers of society. Generally, humanity do not like change because people are not taught in childhood how to deal with change. Change can trigger people in ways they rarely understand due to a lack of awareness and clarity of vision. I discussed change at length with board directors in the past who are making organizational changes. 

Directors are aware that change triggers fear in those that have not healed their fears. Change can make people feel vulnerable and threatened because it impacts on their comfort zones. The same can happen if and when you challenge treasured belief systems whether it is an atheist or a believer. This became very apparent when our team were working with health and education workers. 

Here were people in the state system that had been highly trained by the machine to help poor families and no change had been accomplished in over twenty years. Then comes along a "New Empowerment Model"  and the lives of the poor were turned around in 38 hours. How did the professionals feel? Inadequate? Inferior? They triggered all over the place. Why was that? The poor families were empowered and they were not up for the professionals wearing their superiority hats and professional masks anymore, and that included doctors and headmistresses. The people had taken their power back from health & education and it did make me smile with joy that filled my heart. 

The families had integrated the empowerment model and they were taking their power back from those that were part of the machine. The poor families were now empowered and did not view themselves as victims anymore, they were now in charge of their reality. 

The faciltator raised them up in the equality of friendship and in transparency of self-disclosure that had replaced professional detachment. Most of the health and education workers felt disempowered as a result and those that didn't made sure that the facilitator was not allowed to help anymore people to become empowered. The pilot was a stunning success and all kudos must go to the participants who put in all the effort to make the changes that were necessary for empowerment to become a reality. 

When training modules were developed and delivered to the health and education workers it was an interesting experience. They came with their clip boards and pens ready to sit in like they do in other training sessions; just taking notes. They were shocked when they realised that they were being asked to take an active part in the self development and healing process of the new empowerment model. 

It wasn't long before most of them were in tears and others came out kicking. It was like fire crackers going off, all these people holding onto all their baggage and then they suddenly went snap, crackle and pop when faced with the truth of their own reality. When people go pop we know the healing process has begun. 

Another example of the machine is how children are becoming introverted and their whole social life is carried out on the internet. Even husbands and wives are complaining that the internet is destroying their relationships. How did the machine become the one that everyone is having an affair with? Well one only has to look at the bigger picture and everything falls into place. 

The internet is holding the machine in place by those that are against positive change. However, there is also the yin and yang because positive change is also happening despite the efforts of many to try to stop it. Are you having an affair with the machine? The computer, government or regime? 

The machine can also be found in academia and fixed belief systems. 

Some of us who have bucked the system, broken the never ending cycles, are doing our utmost to be a bridge for others to walk across into a new and more healthy reality for human consciousness. However, if you have bucked the system it also triggers other peoples issues and the first place for them to look is within. 


A few years ago I wrote to Professor Pope after reading an article called "Muzzling Science" that he had distributed via a colleague in Australia. 

"Thanks for your email. 

I agree with your 'Self development and self realisation should be a part of every educational process. My view is that the new science and the new biology will bring about this paradigm shift and when embraced by health and education there will be a domino effect'.

However, a problem arises if we are compelled to act within a false and unethical worldview logic. This was explained this week in an article on Higher Education in the Australian newspaper. The article titled Muzzling of science by Professor Julian Cribb, at the University of Technology, Sydney,and Editor of R & D Review, published in The Australian Wed. 8, 2006, page 26 Higher Education, upholds the importance of Bolzano's Theory of Science, which, in redefining aesthetics, completely challenged the prevailing worldview. Not only was Bolzano's work selected, as perhaps the most important logic paper from the world literature, reviews associated it with the modern extention of quantum mechanics that also upgrading our fixed worldview ethics.

 Professor Julian Cribb writes that unpopular research refers to any field of "science liable to produce evidence unsettling to the fixed worldview held by governments, business, special interest lobbies or that most anonymous and unaccountable of research contollers, the stakeholders". He also appears to suport the democracy concept that is the thrust of the paper, Re-defining Aesthetics to develop Human Survival technology. He wrote, " This process of keeping science from the public and the network of threats - overt and implied - that protects it is undermining democracy. A democracy without access to balance and truthfull information on which to base its decisions is little better than a crude Third World dictatorship in which the people are compelled to accept the dictator's interpretation of the world, however false and fanciful."

 If Bolzano's Theory of Science is indeed logical, then it can be considered that World Peace cannot be rationally discussed by people compelled, as prevails today, to accept a dictatorial fixed worldview. Organizations that do not realize this would appear unable to logically contribute to World Peace at all. This concept is why the United Nations University organization, referred to in the ethics paper, would appreciate a positive review of that paper.

Regards, Professor Robert Pope.

As you can see the machine isn't just about governments, the machine is about people and their belief systems. Individuals that simply refuse to change and accept a new way of being that is healthy for the 21st century. 

What people miss is that change is as natural as the seasons of nature and when people refuse to change they get sick. This planet is no longer going through the birth pains of the new earth since 2007; it has been in and out of a post natal depression. Post natal depression is about soul loss when part of the soul goes with the baby. Without healing the depression of humanity it will continue and increase until the point comes when everyone goes snap, crackle and pop. 

Its not the baby blues it is much more serious and far more deep rooted. Only when people are seriously prepared to look within will emotive social evolution get underway in an empowered and unified way. Until that time comes humanity will hobble along from one regime to another until they realise that they are the answer and we are the ones that we have been waiting for. 

If you feel like its you and me against the machine we would love to hear from you. 

Love beyond measure

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