Friday 15 January 2010

Maitreya the anti-christ?

This post is to address the concerns of the orthodox Christians about the one called Maitreya; and their accusation that Maitreya is the anti-christ.  Little do they know that accusers of loving kindness are actually anti-christs themselves. Here is an example of what they judge.

Christian response to the above: "Nowhere in the bible is there talk about 'multiple avatars for each religion' coming as part of the 2nd coming. What kind of false prophecy is that?! Only one being is coming in the 2nd coming and that is Jesus Christ." 

Our response: Jesus told you there are many rooms in his Fathers house. In each of those rooms there is a different cultures spirituality and sacred text. In each of those texts there is the mention of the coming of the avatars. The Hindu's await the Kalki, the Jews await their Messiahs and the Buddhists await their Maitreya. The Mayans, Native Americans and aborigines also have their predictions. 

Now the ancient Tibetan Buddhist prophecies about the Maitreya predict that he doesn't come until Buddhism is dying out. Well it is dying out in Japan but it is blossoming in the USA.

The name Maitreya can be found throughout the bible because it means LOVING KINDNESS. 

How Christians buy into "LOVING KINDNESS" being the anti-christ I have no idea. Orthodox Christians tend to take 2+2 and make ten. The theory of the Maitreya being the anti-christ appears to have originated in the USA.

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: 
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. Jeremiah 31:3

So to a Buddhist this biblical passage would be saying 
"I have drawn you with Maitreya". 

As far as the ascended masters are concerned these are also mentioned in the bible. Jesus was a Master and ascended as did Elijah and some of the other prophets. Mystical Judaism is all about ascent of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Life is mentioned in the bible. Prophet Isaiah also went into detail about ascension and its process.


Like the coolness of snow at harvest time is a trustworthy messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the spirit of his masters. Proverb 25:13

Now what are we experiencing at the moment? A lot of snow and it is another important sign to humanity that the Messenger that God promised to his true followers is here. 

In my humble view Creme did get one thing right. The Messenger that God promised to send was born in London to a poor family in the 1950's after the war. However, that could easily be ascertained from the writings of Nostradamus. He also got it right that they were given an Indian name. They were named after the story of an Indian child that went on a spiritual journey with a lama. However, the name also has importance in Judaism. 

Christian response: So Creme got it wrong? 

Our response: Well like many people it is clear that he has gone down a few different tracks and I feel that Creme like the Christians have made 2+2 = 10. In serious spiritual christian circles there has been talk of two people coming for over 50 years. This aligns perfectly with the bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls and Judaism. 

Second response: "Do not invite souls into the astral 'middle' world--the place of pure evil." 

Our response: Masters know that the astral plane does not exist. However, it does exist for those that have that belief system because they have not transcended beliefs. Experience counts.....

Christian response: "Two? So then you expect to be working alongside maitreya, rather than opposed to him?"

Our response: "I don't have any expectations,  I only do the will of God as I am given it to do. I do not oppose anyone that is loving kindness because loving kindness are attributes of God. Those that stand against loving kindness also stand against God."

Christian response: "Benjamin Creme is not going to be too happy with you, to find out that he has been promoting the wrong person all this time, considering the amount of money and time he's invested in his quest."

New Ager response: "Remember there will be a one world religion established and it will have to assimilate all the major world religions together."

Our response: "More belief systems that people have bought into and the one world religion belief came out of Theosophy and Islam. The tower of babel of religion is being swept away once more, a one world religion is against the spiritual law in the bible and so is the NWO. God was very precise when he told people not to make all the fields one. 

The divine plan for the last days as delivered by the prophets of God is that all will be able to sit under their own vine and fig tree, all may honour their own gods. The Aquarian Messianic Golden Age is one of Spiritual Independence and that is why God gave the covenant for the children of the world to be delivered by his Messenger in 2007.

As we have been telling the new agers for a few years they have more than a few shocks coming. There are a lot of people with vested interests in different belief systems and as we have told people many times God has outwitted everyone. He did it purposely to show people they have bought into belief systems in preference to seeking within. The sacred union with the divine is the cure for all ills and Jesus Christ said "The truth will set them free". "

Christian response: "That is not biblical. How do you reconcile that with what Jesus said,"I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father except by me."?

Our response: "Yes it is biblical"

Micah 4 The Mountain of the LORD

"In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways,so that we may walk in his paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from (New) Jerusalem."


He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Every man will sit under his own vine and under his own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken. All the nations may walk in the name of their gods; we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.

The LORD's Plan

"In that day," declares the LORD, "I will gather the lame; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief. I will make the lame a remnant, those driven away a strong nation. The LORD will rule over them in Mount Zion from that day and forever.


Micah 4 continues: As for you, O watchtower of the flock, O stronghold of the Daughter of Zion, the former dominion will be restored to you; kingship will come to the Daughter of Jerusalem." Why do you now cry aloud— have you no king? (Jesus) Has your counselor perished, that pain seizes you like that of a woman in labor? Writhe in agony, O Daughter of Zion, like a woman in labor, for now you must leave the city to camp in the open field. You will go to Babylon; (2008 USA) there you will be rescued. There the LORD will redeem you out of the hand of your enemies. But now many nations
are gathered against you. They say, "Let her be defiled, let our eyes gloat over Zion!"

But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD; they do not understand his plan, he who gathers them like sheaves to the threshing floor. "Rise and thresh, O Daughter of Zion, for I will give you horns of iron; I will give you hoofs of bronze and you will break to pieces many nations." You will devote their ill-gotten gains to the LORD, their wealth to the Lord of all the earth." 

After that there was silence from all of the camps....the truth will set them free. 

Love beyond measure 



Anonymous said...

Dear Kim, i know that the Masters are all part of the great Light of God. Everything makes so much sence and i loved what the Bible says about the New Jerusalem. Cant wait to see it on the YouTube. Being Love and Light Glennxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi this is K and I would like to say that I love the wisdom that you are trying to bring to the world, even though it is not complete in its entirety. First of all the Great Most High Creator of all things is not a masculine source, it is feminine, creating feminine and masculine energy within women and men and throughout all things. If you look at our universe, you can tell that earthly women were created to do what the Most High Creator Mother dose, they give birth to their children, the child sit’s in a dark cosmic space like womb for nine months waiting to emerge into life. This woman can bring forth male or female from her womb, just like the Almighty Universal Mother gives birth to all things, feminine and masculine. Everything sits right in the mist of the womb of the Universal Mother, as she gives birth to every living thing. No man has ever unveiled her and he never will. The Mothers dark matter energy is a mystery to all men. She is the Almighty Queen of Heaven. When the fallen rebel angels fell from grace, they were very upset with the Queen of heaven for casting them out of heaven, for being rebellious to her universal laws. So these fallen disagreeable beings have come down to earth with great anger against the Almighty Queen of Heaven and her earth children. The mission was to turn her children against her and stop them from worshiping her and following her universal laws. These disagreeable have created unjust manly law to replace them. These fallen beings had deceived the world by replacing the Almighty Queen of Heaven with a hatful confusing warring masculine so called god; the devil had set himself up as god in all of the religions who believe in a masculine god. This is why the world is like it is. They have played all the nations like a game of chess and as you know the Queen is the most powerful peace in the chess game, without the power of Queen the king will loses the game. That is why all of the kingdoms have fallen; they have turned their backs on their Almighty Queen of Heaven. But soon a female will emerge and all nations will pay attention to her and what she has to say, she will be able to prove who she is to everyone without any doubt what so ever, this is how she will get the world to listen to what she has to say. This female will be born an Aquarius, bring in the Age of Aquarius of peace. She will be born on the 7th day, a holy day. She will be born at 11:11am universal time, this time means so much more, look it up 2012. Her first and last name will be hidden in every culture; this will be reviled to the world. Her blood type will be B-positive. Y.O.B 1967

Unknown said...

But Soon a female will emerge and all nations will pay attention to her and what she has to say, she will be able to prove who she is to everyone without any doubt what so ever, this is how she will get the world to listen to what she has to say. This female will be born an Aquarius, bring in the Age of Aquarius, of peace. She will be born on the 7th day, a holy day. She will be born at 11:11am universal time, this time means so much more, look it up 2012. Her first and last name will be hidden in every culture; this will be reviled to the world. Her blood type will be B-positive. Y.O.B 1967 and the letters of her first and last name will be K-M

Eliakim said...

Welcome akm71111 first let me say I deleted your duplicate posts but left the original one in tact.

First let me say that a child is not naturally conceived without the Father so what you have shared is very good. However, it does not stand up to the reality of the Queen of Heaven that stands before your very eyes. You are looking at her right now.

As far as the devil is concerned again that is a matter of your belief system and is not part of my gnosis of the divine. The concept of a devil simply does exist in my reality. There is negative energy, there is positive energy and there is also neutral energy. Once again we have the Trinity. Man, Woman and child. The holy family.

I liked what you said about the powerful peace in the chess game. However, God's Queen of Heaven does not play chess. In fact, the only board game she plays is the TRANSFORMATION GAME.

Yes, you are correct that she is an Aquarian, she was also born on Shabat, on the 13th of February 1954.

The birth date of this vessel was a holy and sacred day.

13 = AHAVA

13 x 2 = 26 and it is the gematria value of the name of God.

Yes you are correct she can and will prove to the world who she is because it is divine will for her to so. Her name will be understood by many nations, she has lived amongst many cultures.

The cycle of 11.11 came to an end last year.

In 2004, we informed the spiritual community that we the world began the new cycle of Master 22 and the divine feminine principles. If you view our recent thread on Serendipity you will also find a sacred name and number in the book. Our heavenly Father as been leaving messages everywhere in many different mediums.

Just like my earthly Father did before he left the planet. He left messages everywhere for his wife to find. Abba as done exactly the same, not just for the one that he calls Ahava, but for the rest of the world to see and experience serendipity in action. He did it also due to his zealous compassionate action for his creation.

The sacred union with the divine is a splendid experience. The union of male and female together in unity. The will of God indeed.

Eliakim said...

Last but not least the divine do not ask for worship. However, he does like it when I write Sonnets to him. Just like when husbands like to be praised for the good deeds that they have done.

K, God made this case absolutely water tight for his divine purpose and we have fulfilled so many prophecies. There are too many to list. As he said the other day. 'They can't change it now, its too late'.

Completion of truth does exist.

May peace be with you.

Eliakim said...

At the same time that your emails were waiting for me K there was also an email from Carl. You might like to consider it.

The Conscious Co-Creation Continues:
Celebrating the return of harmony between the feminine and masculine as we enter the Seventh Day

About 5100 years ago, at the beginning of the Mayan Long Count (6th Wave or National Underworld) a polarity of consciousness was introduced that created a separation between the masculine and the feminine. The result has been a suppression of the intuitive and feminine aspects of the human mind and soul. The pain associated with this separation has created a long-standing conflict between men and women that has resulted in often unbalanced, twisted and distorted relationships between them. With the beginning (November 3, 2010, 1 Imix) of the Seventh day of the 8th wave, (Galactic Underworld) a polarity shift in consciousness will support humanity in the co-creation of a new, balanced and more harmonious, relationship between the masculine and feminine. For the two days November 6-7 women and men all over the world are invited to locally co-create processes and ceremonies designed to restore the sacred relationship between the feminine and masculine. The intention of these ceremonies is to co-create balance and mutual respect between the genders and the freedom for all individuals to embody any combined expression of the sacred feminine and masculine. In the first of these two days members of each of the two genders are encouraged to develop healing processes of its own, while in the second day processes and unifying ceremonies may be performed, which serve the mutual recognition, honoring and celebration of the divine feminine and masculine in all of us.

Events are already being planned in several locations in the world for this shift in consciousness and the process has started to create a unified web presence for these.

Carl Johan Calleman