Wednesday 11 February 2009

God said APACHE

Last night God said APACHE and today this song was posted on a forum in response to the message to America. God is helping us to break down the walls of silence, the walls of separation and division. Let us work with our Creator and not oppose him.


The meek shall inherit the earth. God is standing with the indigenous peoples, the first nations. He will raise them up exactly as he promised that he would because humanity did not do so. God said 'They have suffered enough'.

Physical reality is the barometer of balance -v- imbalance and it is time for humanity to understand co-creation and the universal law of cause and effect. Mother Earth is now forcing humanity to come into integrity and willingness to honour mother earth and the sacredness of all creation. Man has chosen to learn the hard way and when humanity are sick of being sick then they will change; it is natural for humanity to do so.

Change is as natural as the seasons of nature and when people are not prepared to change they get stuck and then they get sick and wilt like a flower that dies. To live in harmony with Mother earth is mighty indeed. However, it takes great humility from humanity to learn the ways of the Mother in harmonic concordance with the will of the Father. It also takes humility to be willing to heal the old wounds that impact on the self and the whole cosmos.

This is the time of the great purification. Tell your friends and communities to help them to understand why the planet is going through this major shift and change of emphasis to ensure the survival of humanity on planet earth. Become ecological and self-sustainable as soon as you can.

The only way that human civilization will stay on planet earth at this time is if you choose to live in integrity with creation. Choose harmony and spirituality, choose love, compassion and mercy. Choose goodness, light, life and freedom. Choose caring and sharing beyond measure.

The drums are beating the heart beat of the mother for those that cannot hear. The cosmos is giving us a second chance by giving us a shower of sweet dew of purification, it is burning away the dross from the meat of spirituality. It is refreshing the mouths of those that are dumb, it is taking away the blindness of those that cannot see. It is opening the hearts of rejection, and doubt so that the truth can enter in. It is giving, caring and merciful to the lame so that they may walk the spiritual healing path home to God once more.

The light of truth will burn the misconceptions and perceptions of earthly reality away, it will cut away all that binds people to an earthly reality that is unhealthy for you and that includes religion. The sword of truth pricks the conscience of those that are sleeping, it is time to wake up and learn about the sacredness of all life and creation.

God is willing to help humanity but he cannot help anyone if you refuse to listen, hear and do what our father asks you to do.

The Lord Jesus said "Your words are sweet to the ears of the LORD, those that listen will be well'.

Information on the word APACHE

This is post 18 sum of 'FATHER IS'

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