Friday 6 February 2009

Visions of the Virgin Queen and the Red Cross....

In 2008, I began having frequent visions of the Virgin Queen Elizabeth. It wasn't until after I purchased both films about her life that the visions of her stopped. This great English Queen defended her country and its people against those that wished to take over England and impose their religious beliefs upon the Queen and people. The story of her life was about a Holy war.


"England will not fall while I am Queen"


On the 19th of November I was shown a vision of the Red Cross

The Red Cross appears on England's national flag and it is known as St George's Cross. During the crusades it was also called 'God's flag' and this flag was carried by the first pioneers to America.

"St George's emblem was adopted by Richard The Lion Heart and brought to England in the 12th century. The king's soldiers wore it on their tunics to avoid confusion in battle. Like England, every country in the UK has its own patron saint who in times of great peril is called upon to help save the country from its enemies. St George was a brave Roman soldier who protested against the Romans' torture of Christians and died for his beliefs. The popularity of St George in England stems from the time of the early Crusades when it is said that the Normans saw him in a vision and were victorious. St George is always depicted as a knight carrying a shield with a red cross (or a banner with a red cross), generally sitting upon a horse and always killing a dragon."


After I received the vision of the Red Cross, I remembered that a few days earlier a leaflet came through the door announcing the launch of a new silver £5 coin. It has the Queen's Head on one side and St George slaying the dragon on the reverse. The leaflet states that it is now issued in Jersey in solid 999/1000 silver.

In 2007, God gave us the 999 SOS call and the 9th of September 2007 was 999 when we received the new covenant for the children of the world. There is no doubt at all that God is helping humanity to slay the dragon.


RED = Red sky at night is the shepherds delight, as we know red is also symbolic of the colour of love. Visions of the Tudor Rose were also seen during 2008. The British Twenty Pence coin features a crowned Tudor Rose, also called the UNION ROSE. The Tudor Rose was symbolic of the unity created when the 'War of the Roses' was over.

And Abba said "Rose Mary Goes" affectionately.


The mystics also left us many hidden messages and the RED CROSS can be found on the JUDGEMENT card in the major arcane.

The Red Cross is in the middle of the trumpet that appears from a cloud with the flames of God. A man is pictured holding the trumpet above his head. A woman and child are with the man in the boat and the three of them together represent the Holy Trinity of Divinity, Father, Mother and Child, the union of all three. There is no redemption without redeeming the divine child and the divine feminine. The three figures are painted turquoise blue the colour of transformation and the trumpet is pure gold with red flames.

NO 20

The number of the card in roman numerals is two crosses. = Two signs. XX = 20

"In Hebrew gematria the number 20 is QUPH and it is a parent root. When all the words derived from this parent root are compared the common theme of a circle or revolution are found. The pictograph of this letter is the SUN at the horizon in the sense of a revolution of the SUN. The various meanings of this letter are sun, revolution, circle, horizon. This letter can also mean condense as the light gathers at the sun when it is on the horizon. It can also mean time as the revolution of the sun is used to calculate time. Hebrew, Greek and Arabic agree that the sound is Q." Jeff Benner, Ancient Hebrew Lexicon.

It is also the power to actualise potential.



God's Name Elokim corresponds to His "property of strict judgment."

"Elokim, 86 = 26 (Havayah ) plus 60. 60 = kli, "vessel." Thus Elokim is understood to be the vessel of Havayah. This is alluded to in the verse "for [as the] sun and [its] shield are Havayah [and] Elokim" (Psalms 84:12). Sun and shield are as light (source) and vessel. Likewise, 86 (Elokim) plus 60 (vessel) = 146 which = olam, "world." This indicates that just as Elokim is the vessel of Havayah (i.e. the level of Divinity whose ultimate intention is to serve to reveal Havayah to the world), so is the world itself the vessel of Elokim (i.e. the Divinely created context in which nature itself is experienced as a manifestation of God).

In at-bash, the Name Elokim transforms to tav, kaf, tzadik, mem, yud which = 560. 560 is also the value of the word echad, "one," when transformed by at-bash (to tav, samech, kuf). This teaches us that God's ultimate unity is manifest throughout creation by the power of His Name Elokim, as is indicated by the quintessential proclamation of Jewish faith: "Here O' Israel, Havayah is our Elokim, Havayah is One." This means that by Havayah being "our Elokim," Havayah becomes manifest throughout creation as One.

The Name Elokim possesses three "full spellings," 291, 295, 300, which = 886. Together with the four primary "full spellings" of Havayah, which = 232, 232 plus 886 = 1118, the exact value of "Here O' Israel, Havayah is our Elokim, Havayah is One," the least common multiple of the two Names Havayah and Elokim (1118 = 26 times 43; 1118 = 86 times 13)!"

Did you know that the International Red Cross is also called the 'Red Crescent Movement'? Is nothing sacred?

Let the will of God be done....

God is with us.....

The date is 6211 = 10 = ONE

This is post 68 this year = 10 = ONE


Eliakim said...

Who else was blue?


Anonymous said...

Very interesting reading on the break down.

Thank you

Take Care

Eliakim said...

You are welcome Tann

Eliakim said...

On the 3rd March 2009 in a lengthy vision God gave Eliakim the fleur-de-lis.

"During the reign of Elizabeth I of England, known as the Elizabethan era, it was a standard name for an iris, a usage which lasted for centuries".

The Iris is also mentioned in the Nostradamus prophecies about the end times.