Tuesday 24 February 2009

Music of God - Vision of the Divine Child

Our Father works through many mediums and across all frontiers, he loves it when people create and become creators. He loves the artists that pour out their hearts and souls to help humanity to know the art of love, light and life. We live in an harmonic mathematical cosmos and music is just one way of showing the people this fact.

Our Father pours out his oil into the lamp of the soul and those that are in tune with their souls can receive the light of God.

God and his Son are reaching out to the religious to begin their spiritual training, to begin healing so that they can leave the captivity that they have co-created for the self.

All people can be free when they listen and do the will of God.


Yesterday the Lord Jesus came and he kneeled at the feet of the child. He looked as beautiful as ever. Then the child grew into a huge pillar of the light of God. The divine child became God.


Can parents kneel at the feet of their children and exalt them to equality as the Lord Jesus did? Do parents have the humility to raise up their children to equality and honour the sacred beings that they are? Can parents treat children as holy and sacred? This is the challenge that humanity faces and the Lord Jesus has thrown down his gauntlet are you prepared to pick it up?

Jesus Christ put Eliakim on his throne exactly as he predicted that he would in the Revelation, so that you could come to know his truth and the truth of the Father. When you exalt the children to equality you are also exalting the Christ within them.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:

"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:7-20

When they spoke of the dead in biblical times they were speaking of those that were spiritually dead. Those that had not begun the spiritual healing path home to God. Those that had not started their spiritual training. The children of the darkness became sons of the dawn before becoming sons of the light once more.


The Children of the Light were those that had become the light of God. In the Dead Sea Scrolls it speaks of the war between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light. The Sons of Darkness were symbolic of those that were sleeping and had not woken up to spiritual realities beyond the earthly realm. They were those that were stuck in the captivity of belief systems that were detrimental for a healthy spiritual consciousness. They were those that had entrenched themselves with the burden of religious dogma that kept them in the hamster wheel of human life. The Sons of Darkness had not taught their souls to fly beyond the mountains built by the holy men that one would call religious. Jesus called the orthodox blind men that lead others into the pit and this applies to religious leaders of all faiths. The spiritually blind cannot lead the spiritually blind and that is why no religion has co-created peace on earth.



Children become fragmented in childhood due to parents crushing the will of children. This is done by parents that are also fragmented due to their own childhoods. The never ending cycle that must be broken by humanity if there is too be peace. Anyone that forces a child to do anything against their will contravenes the divine law of God.

A lady once told me a story of how her mother thought that she was being too strict. I asked her what did you do to the child? She responded that she made the baby sit in the time out chair in the corner of the room because he would not eat his dinner.

We responded would you send your husband to the time out chair if he did not eat his dinner? Do you send your friends and dinner guests to the time out chair when they do not eat all of their dinner? She responded no.

Then we asked her to ask herself why then does she do to a child what she would not to an adult?

Ponder on this!


Food is the only weapon that a baby has against control and domination, many children develop food disorders due to their will being crushed. Remember this when you crush the will of a child then you crush the will of the Christ that is within them. Then they cannot hear their souls wherein God pours the oil to keep their lamps burning brightly. Then the children go astray without the divine light to guide them and they fall into the darkness of the spiritually dead.

Then the EGO of God is adulterated and becomes an altered ego that leads the children into the pit of despair, depression and disease.

Be whole and then you become peace. Be whole then you become HOLY once more. Wholeness comes from healing the memories in human consciousness that traps people into the hamster wheel of human life. God said "Healing is the get out of jail card, healing is the path to salvation and love is the way".

Love beyond measure being creators of peace through healing consciousness.

May peace be with you.

This is post 86 this year. 86 = ELOHIM = Power

When we were in Israel in May 2006 prior to the star gate opening at the secret birth place of Jesus Melchizedek said 'Row the boat home Elohim"

This is post 26 in February the numerical value of the name of God.

26 is also the value of the day x month of the birth of the physical body of Eliakim.

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