Monday 26 October 2009

The Shofar

Today, we have been asked about the blowing of the trumpet.

The shofar was blown during the second mission to Israel when we embedded the covenant for the children of the world.

It was Roshanah in September 2007 on Mount Carmel outside Elijah's Cave in Israel. God chose a blessed humble Jewish stall holder to blow it in front of his wife and a couple of other witnesses. It was a wonderful day, three Israelis, one American and myself.

We were truly blessed with more divine intervention from God.

The day we climbed Mount Carmel I had no idea that there would be a shofar at the top of it. God works in mysterious ways and he blessed those two humble souls that day. I hope they live long enough to know how God worked through them that day and the important part that they played in the unfolding of the divine plan.

At that time I was still hidden in the hand of my heavenly Father. I was asked to wear a white/cream outfit that day and the tasseled cream silk shawl that had been bestowed by an English friend accompanied it. Unfortunately, I do not have any photographs of it due to the problems with the camera on the return to England.

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