Sunday 30 January 2011

Does Absence Make The Heart Fonder?

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. However,  does it? Abba is giving people the opportunity to reflect on how much they value this reality and the help that has been given to so many in recent decades.

It is no coincidence that the Egyptians were shouting out the united nations declaration of human rights article 19 about freedom of speech across all frontiers, when I was stating the same. It brought joy to my heart that after ten years of promoting it internationally, it is being shouted from the roof tops.

How do we deal with it?

1. Legally
2. Scientifically
3. Passively

The way of Mahatma Gandhi

Abba is giving everyone the time to consider the international implications of what is happening here.

God willing we will have a computer donated next week and be up and running once more. However, without financial assistance, access could again be limited.

Its up to you all to decide how much you value the help, guidance and advance warnings that Abba provides.

One of the messages received from Abba in recent days was this:

"You will see the tipping of the iceberg. Stay away from the KERB".

Love beyond measure


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